Public Sauna

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The air was thick with the scent of sweat and steam as Jeon Jungkook, a 35-year-old man, entered the public sauna, his eyes immediately drawn to the figure in the far corner. The boy, who couldn't be more than 19 years old, had tied his towel around his chest in a way that reached midthigh, revealing a hint of smooth, pale skin beneath. 

At first glance, Jungkook thought he was a girl, but there was something about the voice that resonated deep within him when the boy spoke to his companion that made him pause. It was undeniably male, yet oddly melodic and androgynous.

Jungkook watched as the boy, Kim Taehyung, moved effortlessly through the sauna, his hips swaying gracefully beneath the towel. It was then that Jungkook caught a glimpse of something that made his heart race: a small tuft of hair poking out from beneath Tae's towel. 

His curiosity piqued, he found himself drawn closer to the younger man. As Tae bent down to pick up a towel that had fallen to the floor, Jungkook couldn't help but take in the sight of his exposed p***sy, the soft folds of skin glistening with sweat.

The realization that Tae was a crossdresser, and a special one at that, with a body that possessed both male and female characteristics, sent a thrill through Jungkook's veins. 

He found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the younger man, the desire to touch him, to explore his unique form, burning hot in his chest.

 As Jungkook took a step closer, Taehyung turned his head slightly in his direction, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before he quickly looked away, a blush creeping up his neck.

The air thickened with an electric charge as Jungkook reached out, brushing his fingertips against the soft, warm skin of Taehyung's inner thigh. 

The younger man let out a shuddering breath, his body tensing under Jungkook's touch. It was then that Jungkook knew he had to have him, had to explore this newfound desire and see where it led. As their bodies moved closer together, the heat between them intensified, the lines of reality beginning to blur into a haze of passion and need.

The sauna grew hotter, the air more humid, as the two men, one older and one younger, began to dance around each other, their eyes locked on one another, their hearts racing in time with the pulse of the steam. 

The scent of sweat and arousal filled the air, mixing with the warmth of the room to create a heady, intoxicating atmosphere. Jungkook leaned in closer, pressing his body against Taehyung's, his lips brushing against his neck, the soft hairs there tickling his skin. 

The younger man let out a soft moan, and it was then that Jungkook knew he had found what he was looking for. He untied the towel, and reached out, cupping Taehyung's breast in his hand, feeling the weight of it in his palm, the softness of the nipple against his skin. Taehyung arched his back, pressing himself even closer, his lips parting in anticipation.

As their lips finally met, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the heat of the moment, the taste of each other's skin. Jungkook felt Taehyung's hand slide between them, finding its way to his growing erection, and he gasped into the kiss as the younger man began to stroke him, their hips moving in perfect rhythm.

Tae was so aroused, Jungkook pushed him down on fours, and started to trace his dick on Tae's pussy lips.

"FU**k yes," Tae moaned, as he felt the head of Jungkook's c*ck teasing his entrance. He arched his back, offering himself up for the older man's possession. The heat of the sauna, the sweat, and the friction of Jungkook's hand on his hip only served to heighten his senses. He could feel the pressure building inside him, the need for release coursing through his veins.

Jungkook grasped Tae's hair, guiding his hips as he thrust forward, burying himself deep inside the younger man. Tae cried out, the pleasure so intense it was almost painful. He could feel Jungkook's thick co*k stretching him, filling him completely. Their bodies moved together in a rhythmic dance, the sounds of their skin slapping together and their harsh breaths filling the air.

The tension built, tightening like a vice around their entwined limbs, and then, with a cry that seemed to echo through the entire sauna, they came together, their bodies shuddering and convulsing as wave after wave of pleasure washed over them. Jungkook felt his release spill deep inside Tae, felt the younger man's inner walls grip him tightly as he emptied himself.

As their orga*ms subsided, they collapsed onto the warm floor of the sauna, their sweaty bodies pressed together. Jungkook ran his fingers through Tae's hair, tracing idle patterns on his back as they caught their breath. "That was... incredible," he whispered, his voice still hoarse from exertion.

Tae nestled his head into the crook of Jungkook's neck, his heart racing wildly. "I've never... felt anything like that before," he confessed, his voice barely audible above the sound of their breathing. Jungkook wrapped his arms around the younger man, pulling him closer, and kissed the top of his head.

"You're so beautiful, Tae," he murmured, feeling a strange sense of peace wash over him. They lay there in silence for a while, the only sound the soft hiss of the sauna heater and the distant murmur of voices outside. Time seemed to stand still as they basked in the afterglow of their shared passion, their bodies still slick with sweat and each other's essence.

Finally, Jungkook reluctantly broke the silence. "Do you think... we could do this again sometime?" he asked, his voice tentative. Tae looked up at him, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "I'd like that," he whispered, "more than anything." And with that, they sealed their newfound connection with a tender kiss, their lips moving slowly against each other, their hearts beating in perfect harmony.


Who want this public sauna sm*tshot to be long and detailed with so many nas#ty and filth#y one. 

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I will write dears...

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