Birthday s*x, What do you say?

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~(✿◡‿◡)~ (Feels bliss)

Jungkook, a man of indescribable allure, found himself in a dimly lit bar on a fateful night. The haunting melody of a saxophone filled the air, as if it were beckoning him towards something he could not quite put his finger on. 

He scanned the crowd, his eyes landing on a figure that seemed to stand out amongst the rest. It was Taehyung, a man who had captured Jungkook's heart without even realizing it. Today is his birthday, so he is enjoying his heart out.

Taehyung's long, flowing hair cascaded down his back, a stark contrast to his pale skin. He moved with such grace and fluidity, as if he were born to dance on this very stage.

As Taehyung twirled and spun, lost in the music, Jungkook felt a strange connection forming between them. It was as if they were the only two people in the world, sharing a secret dance only they could understand. Unable to resist any longer, Jungkook made his way through the crowd, his heart pounding in his chest. He gently took Taehyung's hand, guiding him off the stage and into his world.

Their first dance together was nothing short of magical. Jungkook's strong arms wrapped around Taehyung, pulling him closer, as if afraid to let him go. Taehyung leaned into him, inhaling deeply, taking in the scent of whiskey and masculinity that emanated from Jungkook. His heart raced, and for a moment, he forgot why he was even here. All that mattered was this man holding him, their bodies moving in perfect harmony.

As the song came to an end, Jungkook leaned in, his lips inches from Taehyung's ear. "You know," he whispered, his voice husky with desire, "I've been watching you all night. You're so beautiful... so perfect. And I've been thinking... I want to make all your birthday wishes come true." Taehyung shivered at the feel of Jungkook's warm breath against his skin.

Jungkook pulled back slightly, gazing into Taehyung's eyes. 

"Birthday s*x, How does this feel baby?"

"What do you say? Do you want me to show you a good time?" Taehyung's heart raced, his body aching for the touch of Jungkook's strong hands. He nodded slowly, his lips parting as he took in a shaky breath.

Jungkook smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye. 

"Well then, follow me." 

He led Taehyung through the crowded bar and out onto the dance floor. It was empty now, save for the two of them. A private dance floor. Just the two of them. The dim lighting cast a warm glow over their faces as they stood there, chest to chest, their hips swaying in perfect rhythm.

Jungkook's hands moved up, cupping Taehyung's face gently, before trailing down his neck and across his chest. Taehyung arched into the touch, moaning softly. 

"You feel so good," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. 

"So perfect." He leaned in, pressing their lips together in a heated kiss.

Their tongues danced together, tangling and twisting as they explored each other's mouths. Jungkook's hand found its way down to Taehyung's ass, squeezing and groping, causing him to whimper into the kiss. 

"You're so wet," Jungkook groaned against his lips. 

"I can feel how much you want this." Taehyung nodded, his own fingers fumbling with the buttons of Jungkook's shirt.

Finally, the last button came undone, and Jungkook's chest was bared before him. Taehyung gasped, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of Jungkook's defined abs and the dark hair trailing down to his belt. He could feel the heat emanating from his body, and it only served to make him even more aroused.

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