Can we play filling game?

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It was a quiet evening, Jungkook, a young and ambitious entrepreneur; he had just closed another successful deal, but something was missing. His heart yearned for something more intimate, something that could only be found in the warm embrace of his man.

He reached home, his eyes glanced across the room and saw Taehyung, his husband, sitting alone at the home bar, nursing a glass of whiskey. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat as he approached him, his steps confident and assured. 

"Baby," he murmured, leaning in close, "can we play filling game?" Taehyung looked up at him, his eyes alight with curiosity. 

"What game is this, koo?" Jungkook grinned. 

"Easy one... you see this hard little man, I'll bury him deep in your warm pussy hole... thrust back and forth and fill you till the brim."

Taehyung laughed out, his lips curving into a seductive smile. "I'm in," he purred, taking the little figure from Jungkook's outstretched hand. 

The room seemed to fade away as the two men were lost in each other's gaze, their desire for one another burning bright. They made their way to their bedroom and get undressed.

"Hmmm.... so warm pu$#y....", Jungkook touched the pu##y lips of his husband that was oozing slickness. He rubbed it a bit before thrusting the hard little man inside. Taehyung moaned loudly, feeling the intruder filling him up. 

Jungkook started moving his hips, thrusting in and out, filling the whole pu$$y of his husband completely by his big co$k. Their eyes locked, and they both knew that this was what they needed, this was what they had been missing.

As Jungkook continued to thrust, Taehyung wrapped his legs around his waist, deepening the connection between them. Their bodies slapped together, creating a rhythm that was both primal and erotic. Sweat beaded on their foreheads, and their chests heaved with each labored breath. The filling game had become a dance, a beautiful display of trust and desire.

Jungkook felt Taehyung's inner walls begin to squeeze tightly around him, signaling his imminent release. He thrust harder, wanting to feel every muscle in his husband's body contract around him. "I'm close, baby," he gasped, his voice hoarse with need. "I'm going to fill you with my love seeds."

Taehyung moaned in reply, arching his back as he reached for Jungkook's hand, entwining their fingers. "I want it," he whispered. "I want all of you." And with those words, they both surrendered to the moment, their bodies shuddering with pleasure as they found release in each other's arms.

Jungkook thrusted and buried deep inside of the pussy spilling loads and loads of cum, he bit on his tae's neck so hard drown in the pleasure... and his body was shaking, Tae's eyes got rolled back.

Jungkook collapsed on top of Taehyung, their bodies still joined together. He laid there for a moment, catching his breath, as his heart raced wildly in his chest. 

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook, holding him close, their sweaty skin sticking together. The room was silent except for their labored breathing and the distant music from the bar.

Finally, Jungkook pulled out of Taehyung, rolling to the side to catch his breath. He looked down at his husband, who was lying there with a satisfied smile on his lips. 

"That was... incredible," he managed to whisper. 

"I needed that." 

Taehyung chuckled softly, reaching up to stroke Jungkook's cheek. 

"Me too, koo. Me too."

 They lay together for a while longer, lost in each other's touch, their hearts slowly returning to a normal rhythm.


This is the safest version...

if you guys want the filthiest one, comment dears...

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