Tempted by her

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Jeon Jungkook 23-year-old young man
Kim Taehyung 19-year-old maid (girl)


It was a warm spring day in the lush, green countryside. The sun shone down, casting a golden hue over the rolling hills and verdant fields. A light breeze rustled through the leaves of the ancient oak trees, carrying with it the sweet scent of wildflowers.

 In a secluded manor house, nestled deep within the heart of this idyllic landscape, a young man named Jungkook paced restlessly back and forth in his opulent study. His heart raced, his palms sweaty, his stomach churning with an unfamiliar mixture of anticipation and dread. He glanced repeatedly at the grandfather clock, its pendulum swinging slowly, relentlessly, as if taunting him with the passage of time.

Outside, his 19-year-old house maid, Taehyung, went about her daily duties, tending to the gardens, dusting the furniture, and scrubbing the floors. She sang softly to herself as she worked, her voice sweet and melodic, floating on the breeze. 

Little did she know that this day would change both of their lives forever. Jungkook finally mustered the courage to step outside, blinded by lust, his footsteps leading him purposefully towards Taehyung. 

"Let me fill your pu##y baby," he said, his voice low and husky, his eyes burning with desire. The young maid froze, her body shaking, her heart racing. She didn't know what to do.

Jungkook's words echoed in Taehyung's head as she stared at him, her wide eyes filled with confusion and fear. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, the wetness gathering between her legs. She tried to speak, but no words came out. 

"Common kitten, start undressing... or do you want me take off your clothes?" Jungkook asked, his voice gentle yet commanding. He reached out and traced her teary cheeks with the tip of his finger, causing her to tremble even more.

Taehyung took a shaky breath and slowly began to unbutton her blouse, revealing her lace-covered breasts. They were small and delicate, the nipples hard and erect. Jungkook's eyes devoured her, drinking in every inch of her body. 

He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. As she pushed her blouse off her shoulders, he helped her out of her skirt, revealing her pale, smooth thighs and the black lace panties that hugged her curvaceous hips. 

"There's no need to be shy, kitten," he whispered, running his hands up and down her arms, down her back, and over her bottom. "I've wanted you for so long."

With a gentle push, he guides Taehyung onto the cool, soft grass, spreading her legs as he kneels between them. He can feel her warmth, her wetness, her readiness. He brushes his fingers against her, tracing the outline of her pa#ties before slipping his hand inside, feeling her soft, wet folds. 

Taehyung arches her back, letting out a moan as he finds her swollen cl&t and begins to stroke it gently. Her hips buck up, seeking more contact, more friction. "Please, sir," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sounds of their heavy breathing. "Please.... give me...it's tingling sir."

As Jungkook's fingers work their magic on Taehyung's body, he can feel his own desire building, growing more urgent by the moment. He pulls away for a moment, revealing the impressive erection straining against his breeches. 

"Are you ready for this, kitten?" he asks, his voice low and husky. Taehyung nods, her eyes closed, her head thrown back in ecstasy. With a gentle push, he guides his thick, hard length towards her opening, feeling the tight, hot grip of her virginity. He pauses, gathering himself, before pushing forward, burying himself deep inside her.

he thrusted fully engrossed by lust and desire, feeling her tight walls clench around him, drawing him deeper inside. Taehyung arched her back, a moan escaping her lips as she felt the fullness of him, filling her up completely. 

Jungkook looked down at her, his eyes burning with passion, and began to move, his hips slapping against her in a rhythmic motion. The grass beneath them rustled in the breeze, their bodies slick with sweat as they moved together in perfect harmony.

Taehyung wrapped her legs around Jungkook's waist, her fingernails digging into his shoulders as she met each of his thrusts, her own body moving in sync with his. Their breathing became labored, their chests heaving as they fought for air. 

The sun beat down upon them, casting a warm glow over their entwined forms, but they were oblivious to everything but the intense pleasure coursing through their veins.

Time seemed to stand still as they made love in the garden, lost in the moment. Each touch, each caress, seemed to heighten their senses, drawing them deeper into the embrace. 

As their bodies reached the peak of ecstasy, Jungkook thrust one final time, groaning her name as he released himself inside her, filling her with his warmth. Taehyung cried out his name, her body convulsing around him, her orgasm washing over her in waves.


this is a safest version. If you guys want a filthiest one, comment dears

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