Void got filled to the brim

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It was a seemingly ordinary day for Taehyung. He was married to a man he thought he loved, but lately, he couldn't help but feel a void in his heart. The void that was once filled with passion and desire was now replaced with a lingering sense of emptiness. 

He tried to convince himself that it was just a phase, that his love for his husband would return, but deep down, he knew something was missing. Something big. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on. 

And then, there was his neighbor. Jungkook. Taehyung couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat every time he caught a glimpse of him. With his ripped muscles and chiseled features, he was the epitome of perfection. 

The way he moved, the way he smiled, the way he laughed, it was all so captivating. Taehyung found himself fantasizing about him late at night, his imagination running wild with thoughts of what it would be like to have Jungkook's hands on his body, to feel his lips on his skin.

As fate would have it, Jungkook and his family had just moved in next door, and today was their house warming party. Taehyung couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness in the pit of his stomach. He had never been more eager to meet someone in his life. As he stood in the living room, clad in nothing but a silk robe that barely concealed his ni**les, he couldn't help but wonder what Jungkook would think of him. Would he be attracted to him too? Only one way to find out.

Taehyung glanced over at the doorway, where Jungkook stood, his eyes wide with surprise. His body was hard and toned beneath his tight t-shirt, and Taehyung couldn't help but feel a surge of desire course through him. He watched as Jungkook's gaze traveled up and down his body, lingering on his nip#$es before meeting his eyes again. The air between them was electric, and Taehyung knew that this moment was the culmination of every fantasy he had ever had about his neighbor.

he ripped Tae's robe open, revealing his naked body to Jungkook. Jungkook's breath hitched as he saw Tae's perfect, smooth chest and the hardening ni**les. He leaned forward and took one of them into his mouth, sucking gently as Tae moaned softly. Jungkook moved to the other ni*pple, sucking harder, rolling it between his tongue. Tae arched his back, pressing his chest further into Jungkook's mouth. He felt a familiar ache building inside him, a desire that had been ignored for far too long.

As Jungkook continued to tease his ni*pples, Tae reached down and unbuttoned Jungkook's tight jeans, freeing his hard cock from the confines of his underwear. He wrapped his hand around it, feeling the heat and the length of it in his palm. Jungkook groaned, thrusting his hips forward, and Tae could feel how wet he was. He guided Jungkook over to the couch, positioning him between his legs. He spread his own legs wider, inviting Jungkook to take what he wanted.

Jungkook grasped Tae's hips and positioned his c$ck at Tae's entrance. Tae arched his back even further, his body aching for the relief that only Jungkook could provide. With one swift thrust, Jungkook was buried inside him, filling the void that had been missing for far too long. Tae cried out, a mixture of pain and pleasure as his body adjusted to the intrusion. Jungkook began to move, slowly at first, but gaining speed and power with each thrust. He pounded into Tae, their skin slapping together in rhythmic unison.

As they f$cked, their passion ignited, consuming them both. Tae's breath came in ragged gasps as he dug his fingers into Jungkook's shoulders, urging him deeper. Jungkook's eyes were wild with lust as he looked down at Tae, his features twisted in pleasure. They were both lost in the moment, lost in each other, oblivious to anything else around them. The air was thick with the scent of their sweat and desire, and the sounds of their bodies colliding filled the room.

The couch beneath them creaked and groaned as Jungkook continued to pound into Tae, their hips moving in a frenzied dance. Tae felt himself building toward a peak, his body tense and ready to explode. With one final thrust, Jungkook emptied himself inside Tae, his hot cum spilling over them both. Tae's orgasm followed close behind, his body convulsing as he cried out in ecstasy. They collapsed together on the couch, breathless and spent, their hearts racing and their bodies still connected in the most intimate way possible.

As they lay there, their chests heaving and their breaths intermingling, Tae knew that this was just the beginning. He had found something with Jungkook, something that had been missing from his life for far too long. And he was never going to let it go.


This is the safest version.

If you want me to write the most fit*hy version, complete the target dears....

Vote target 70.

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