Chapter 6

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The sun had risen to it's highest peak, and they were still walking. 

Raven wanted nothing more than to just flop down and sleep, but she knew that that would be pointless, Lucius would just kick her awake like he did last time she tried that. Her weariness wasn't just from walking, she knew. She was suffering from withdrawals. She couldn't remember the last time she had had Arizium. She felt her power weakening and receding away from her. Arizium withdrawals wasn't just lack of power though, It also came with lack of energy and motor skills. She felt herself stumble on more than one occasion as she struggled to stay awake, it must have happened more times than she thought because Amaria never seemed to look back to see if the "evil black-haired girl" was okay. Then again, Raven didn't believe she had the trust of either twin anymore, Amaria wasn't as soft spoken as she was before. Raven just shrugged it off, being hated wasn't anything new to her. 

 "Are we almost there?" Raven asked, swaying a little as they continued to walk. 

 Lucius glanced back at her and shook his head and said "No." 

 Raven groaned and swayed heavier, "Can we at least take a break?" She asked light headedly. 

Amaria shared a glance with her brother and shrugged "I guess it wouldn't hurt to stop for a little bit." 

 Lucius nodded and unsheathed his sword from it's place on his back "Fine. I'll go see if I can catch something to eat." 

 Raven sighed gratefully and collapsed on the ground without a second thought. Amaria fidgeted nervously, like she didn't want to be alone with the girl she betrayed, or maybe it was Raven that betrayed her. Either way, the atmosphere was tense in Amaria's mind. Raven put her arms behind her head and soaked in the dainty warmth of the afternoon sun. The energy did nothing to help her withdrawals, and being hungry wasn't helping much either. None of them had eaten for almost a full day, and all the food supplies were destroyed during the raid. Raven could easily hunt for them, if it was night, and if she had Arizium. All they could do now was hope that Lucius was stealthy enough to get close to game with that big blundering sword of his. 

 "So," Said Amaria after some time "I don't think you ever told me about your other faction members." 

 Raven chuckled, her eyes were closed. "There's not really much to say, we're all a bunch of sad little misfits."

 Amaria sat down cross legged next to her awkwardly and said "I've got time." 

 Raven opened one eye to look at her, closed it, and sighed "Alright. If you insist, my lady." she said "Let's see. There's Madelina, the intelligent one, be careful with her, she can control your mind without you realizing it. Then there's Bear, she can make you see things that you don't expect to see. Lynx is sort of the baby of the group, but she can move inanimate objects with her mind, so stay away from her when she's mad, else you'll get a stick shoved into your arm. Phoenix has the sun power, she's also the leader of the group. We never voted on it, she just kind of appointed herself and we didn't see any reason to argue. Last but not least is Wolf, the only male -well, only sane male- of the group. He can disappear at will, don't trust him with your gold." 

 Amaria chewed on that for a bit before replying "Why isn't Madelina named after her animal?" 

 "Who knows, ask her about it and she'll beat your brains out, she gets very violent if you ask the wrong questions. Her animal is an owl, in case you were wondering." 

 "Why aren't there very many males in the group?" 

 Raven scoffed "'Because boys are stupid. Knox went insane because his mind couldn't grasp the reason why he wasn't resonating. Wolf was the last one to resonate, but his patience showed that his mind was prepared for it. Boys always get frustrated when things don't go their way, all that stupidity blocks the intelligence from filtering in. Wolf is probably the least dumb guy you will ever meet." 

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