Chapitre quatre | Départ de Carlotta

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chapter four | Carlotta's departure


Monsieur Lefevre had gathered the whole of the opera house, well more or less, into the theatre to introduce the two new managers of the Opera Populaire. Christine was on my right side whilst Meg was on my left, chatting about what was going on.

I had acted as though I didn't know what was going on. Then, all of a sudden, Lefevre started to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." His voice had been drowned out by the idle chatter of the staff members of the opera house.

"Madame Giry!" He called on our ballet co-ordinator to try and gain the attention of the crowd. She had banged her cane onto the stage floor and immediately got the attention that Lefevre was looking for.

"Thank you- may I have your attention, please?" Lefevre said making everyone look towards him. He continued on with what he had been trying to say.

"As you know, for some weeks there have been rumours of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these rumours were all true and it is my pleasure to introduce to you the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire, Monsieur Richard Firman and Monsieur Giles Andre!"

There was a polite applause for the new managers. Even some of the cast members and backstage workers bowing towards them.

Piangi stepped forward and gestured towards Carlotta, making her gain the attention of the Lefevre, Firman and Andre. Which in my opinion, was quite rude to say the least.

"Gentlemen, Signora Carlotta Giudicelli, our leading soprano for five seasons now." Lefevre had said before Andre spoke up for the first time. 

"Of course, of course. I have experienced all of your greatest roles, Signora." He said before he kissed Carlotta's had. I had saw a couple of ballerinas fake gagging, which more or less summed up how everyone else felt.

Lefevre then introduced Piangi to the two managers. "And Signor Ubaldo Piangi."

"An honour, Signor." Firman said, however he and Andre seemed more infatuated with Carlotta.

Andre seemed to pipe up, complimenting Carlotta further. "If I remember rightly, Elissa has a rather fine aria in Act Three of 'Hannibal'. I wonder, Signora, if, as a personal favour, you would oblige us with a personal rendition?" He said before turning to Reyer as he said "Unless, of course, Monsieur Reyer objects."

Carlotta seemed to be pleased to be asked to sing one of the most beautiful songs in Hannibal. However, I had hated the idea of hearing her sing again, along with most of the other people in the room.

"My manager commands, Monsieur Reyer?!" Carlotta shouted towards Reyer as he replied instantly with "My diva commands!"

He then turned to Firman and Andre as he said "Will two bars be a sufficient introduction." as firman said in an annoyed tone "Two bars will be quite sufficient!"

Reyer seemed overly pleased with a new aria being payed and checked with Carlotta of they were ready to start. "Signora?" he said as Carlotta turned to him with a long piece of fabric in her hands as she replied " maestro!'

The composer then started to play the two bars for the introduction of the song before Carlotta sung the beginning of the aria.

"Think of me, 

Think of me fondly, 

When we've said goodbye.

Remember me. 

Every so often, 

Promise me you'll try.

On that day, 

That not so distant day, 

When you are far away and free. 

If you ever find a moment, 

Spare a thought for me."

She sung in her loud and toad-like voice which the two new managers seemed to love. All of the chorus members, who knew how to sing, all cringed at the noise. Even Lefevre scrunched up his face in discomfort. She had been advised to continue by Andre and continued the song.

"Think of me, 

Think of me warmly..." 

She had began to sing before a yell from the wings as a backdrop fell, nearly crushing Carlotta if Piangi hadn't pulled her away from the spot it had fallen onto just in time, causing all of the ballerinas to scream.

Meg had then ran across the stage towards her mother as she cried " He's here. the phantom of the opera!"

Firman turned towards the girl as he spoke " Dear heaven, will you show a little courtesy, Mademoiselle please!"

Lefevre shouted towards the wings looking for someone "Buquet! Where's Buquet? Chief of the flies, he's responsible for this!" He said  as a quite chubby man, with dirt and grime all over him, as though he hadn't showered in days.

"Buquet! For god's sake, man, what's going on up there?!" Lefevre demanded answers as Buquet looked around the stage.

Buquet then started to speak as he also started to frighten the ballerinas.

"Please Monsieur, don't look at me,

As god's my witness, I was not at my post.

Please Monsieur, there's no one there,

And if there id, well then,

It must be a ghost!"

He shouted as he poked a piece of rope towards the higher levels of the stage before the ballerinas screamed once more. Meg had then said "He's there, The phantom of the opera!" as she ran back across the stage to comfort Christine, who look as scared as everyone else.

Firman the spoke up and shouted towards us "Lord heavens, have I heard such insolence!"

Andre then spoke to Carlotta in the tone that he used to praise her "Signora, please, these things do happen."

Carlotta looked at him in shock and began to giggle nervously. 'These thing do happen. You have been here five minutes, what do you know?" She said as the ran towards Lefevre, as though to threaten him.

"Si! These things do happen, all the time. For three years, these things do happen. And did you stop them happening! No!"

"And you, you're as bad as him!" She screamed at Firman and Andre before continuing on with her speech."These things do happen! Well, until you stop these things happening! This thing does not happen!"

She turned to Piangi "Ubaldo! Andiamo!" She then ran off the stage and out of the main doors crying, whist Piangi muttered something along the lines of "Amateurs" towards the managers as they stand there in shock.

The two men both then turned around nervously as Lefevre tried to take his leave while saying " I don't thing there's much more I can do for you gentlemen. Good luck. If you need me, I shall be in Frankfurt!". And with that he left the room.

Firman tried to go after him as he said "Monsieur!" but the doors had already closed behind the former manager. Leaving all of us, in the care of Firman and Andre. I had looked around the theatre for the first time and saw that there was a shadow looking down on the scene before them.

It was the opera ghost, or as everyone in my time knows him, The phantom of the opera!


I know this came out early, but I had finished it early and I believe that this chapter is one of my best ones yet, but I won't know that until I've finished this book. I also used the lines from the 25th anniversary of Phantom, which is my favourite one because of the music(cough-cough-and Ramin Karimloo-cough-cough) but that's for another time.

Love ya, enjoy the new chapter<3

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