Chapitre six | L'apparence de Raoul

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Chapter six | Raoul's appearance


Once Christine and Meg had saw that I came into the dressing room, they both started bombarding me with questions.

"Where in the world have you been hiding? Really, you were perfect!" Meg said as Christine came up behind me and said "I only wish I knew your secret! Who is this new tutor?"

I had to tell them both the truth. I led them both towards the small table that was at one of the widows of the room.

"Father once spoke of an angel." I began saying as they both listened quite intently. I continued by saying "I used to dream he'd appear. Now as I sing, I can sense him. And I know he's here." The both watched me walk behind the screen as  I started to get out of of my costume.

"Here in this room, he calls me softly. Somewhere inside, hiding. Somehow I know he's always with me. He, the unseen genius." I praised the phantom as I walked out of the screen in my dressing gown and robe.

Meg had led me towards the stool that sat in front of my dressing table and held out my slippers for me as I took them from her while she said "I saw your face from the shadows. Distant through all the applause." 

Christine then came and helped me to take my hair out of the style it was in. She had also chosen to join in on our conversation. She said "Heard your voice in the darkness. Yet the words aren't yours!"

I then spoke up again, after I had put my slippers on and my hair was down, and said "Angel of music! Guide and guardian! Grant to me your glory!"

That is when Christine and Meg questioned "Who is this angel?" and joined in with me as we all said "This angel of music! Hide no longer! Secret and strange angel!"

I had the gotten up, as though I was in a trance and said, "He's with me, even now."

Christine got up from where she was sitting on the floor and came to me grabbing one of my hands, saying "Your hands are cold!"

"All around me." I turned towards them and began to feel scared. Their faces turned to shock as they pulled me closer to them cupping my face.

Meg then told me "Your face, Caddy, it's white!" which made me even more scared. I looked into Christine's eyes and hugged her tightly as I said "It frightens me!"

When I said this, Christine embraced me lovingly and reassured me by saying "Don't be frightened." with a smile on her face.

We all the heard a bang towards the door behind us as we turned around. Stood at the wide open door, was Madame Giry with astern look on her face.

"Meg Giry, Christine Daae. Are you both dancers?" She said as the two girls nodded at her question. Her voice started to echo in the room as she told them "Then come and practice!"

Christine and Meg then turned back to me and embraced me briefly before running out of the room to go and join the rest of the chorus girls and ballerinas.

Giry then turned to me and held out a note for me to take. "My dear, I was asked to give you this." she said to me with a smile. With that said, she exited my room and closed the door behind her.

I then opened the letter and saw that there was only a few word written down on the paper. The letter read "A red scarf. The attic. Little Caddy."

I was quite confused as to what was happening. I tried to remember the events of the stage show but it was all quite foggy.

That was when I heard laughing coming from outside of my room. It was Firman and Andre. I listened closely to hear what was being said and realised they were talking about me.

"A tour de force! No other way to describe it!" Andre said as though it was a bigger event than it actually was.

I then heard Firman reply with "What a relief! Not a single refund!"

Andre then decided to compliment me, which I found was quite strange as I was only 18. "Richard, I think we've made quite a discovery with Miss Bellerose!"

Firman seemed to have ignored him and they stopped outside of my room. He said "Here we are, Monsieur le Vicomte."

I couldn't believe it. He was outside of my dressing room, waiting to see me.

I then heard the voice of the Vicomte say "Gentlemen, if you wouldn't mind. This is one visit I would like to make unaccompanied."

Andre and Firman replied with "As you wish, Monsieur!" and "They appear to have met before!" as they both walked away. However, I couldn't tell who said what.

I then heard a knock on my door and the creaking of it opening. I had been brushing my hair when I heard a booming voice say "Cadenza Bellerose, where is your red scarf?"

I may have known who it was, but I decided to play the role and ask "Monsieur?" whilst looking at him through the mirror. 

He continued by saying "You can't have lost it. After all the trouble I took. I was just 14 and soaked to the skin..."

"Because you had run into the sea to fetch my scarf. Oh, Raoul so it is you!" I had cut him off turning towards him as he rushed towards me grabbing my hands. "Cadenza!" He said before singing the song that Gustave, Christines father and my 'adoptive father' I guess, sun to us when we were younger.

"Little Caddy, 

Let her mind wonder." 

This was before I said "You remember that, too!"

He continued,

"Little Caddy thought, 

Am I fonder of dolls"

I decided to join in with his singing

"Or of goblins, 

Of shoes,"

That's when he stopped singing.

"Or of riddles,

Of frocks."

He had then started to bring back fond memories that I didn't have.

"Those picnics in the attic,

Or of chocolates"

I then got a memory of Gustave playing the violin while me Christine and Raoul watched when we were younger. I then said,

"Father playing the violin."

Before Raoul cut me off. "As we read to each other dark stories of the north!" He said.

Then I sang one of the best bits of the song.

"Know what I love best,

Caddy said.

Is when I'm asleep in my bed,

And the Angel of Music sing songs in my head."

Raoul then joined in with me.

"The Angel of Music sings songs in my head." 

We sang before I started to tell Raoul a tale. " Father said." I started as he brung a chair over to listen to the story.

I continued, "'When I am in heaven, child, I will send the Angel of Music to you'. Well Father is dead, Raoul, and I have been visited by the Angel of Music." I finished before Raoul thought of something.

I believe this was going to end very badly.


Alright I'm kind getting these out quite fast, which I'm not exactly complaining. But, I'm kind of more leaning towards the 25th Anniversary of phantom of the opera, or the one that's in the Royal Albert Hall. I know that a lot of people are use to reading fanfics that go with the script of the 2004 movie. However, I don't exactly like the small changes that happens within it, which is why I had chosen the 25th Anniversary edition.

I just hope that you like it.


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