Chapter 16

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When we got back, the sun was beginning to set behind the charred ruins of the border wall. The Queen took Ada back to the castle, and I started off to the barracks. I couldn't wait to sleep in my own, clean bed and forget about everything. I just didn't want to think.

But it looked like I would have to wait for that. As soon as I closed the door of my room behind me, the sound of the bell reverberated around my stone-walled room. The Queen had called a meeting.

Sighing, I left my room and slammed the door hard behind me. The hallways were crowded with other people who hadn't been expecting a meeting this late. They didn't have any idea what it might be about. But I did. It's about Amari. It has to be; why else would she call a meeting so soon after speaking to the dead?

Sure enough, once we had lined up in the courtyard, Queen Eleanor shouted, "You are likely wondering why I would call a meeting this late. I would have let it wait until morning, but I have something I need to tell you now. Every one of us is in danger.

"This war has lasted for over two centuries. It may seem like it has no end, like generation after generation will fight and die for a war that we will ultimately lose. That's right; without Regeneration, we're fighting a losing battle. The war needs to end soon.

"But it's not nearly as simple as it might seem. Surrender isn't an option, because our enemies will not take that for an answer. And we can't win. A truce will never work. This is because our enemy isn't the rest of Europe."

The soldiers started to shout out their questions, asking things like, "Then who is our enemy?"

"Why won't either of those work? What are you not telling us?"

"Explain yourself! Tell us, who is our enemy!"

The Queen gestured for silence, then went on. "This war was started by a witch named Amari. She is an incredibly powerful witch with multiple skills, and she started this war to conquer us so that she can take over the world. She is the dragon who attacked us a while ago.

"It's unknown how or if she can be defeated. The ancient Queens told me about her themselves when I visited their spirits this afternoon. Even they don't know exactly how Amari can be defeated, but the one thing that they do know is that she cannot be defeated by a group. If faced by multiple people, she will force them to fight each other until they are all dead.

"Amari cast a spell on all the countries involved in this war. She made us love killing each other. But the spell wears off after exactly 213 years. It's weakening right now- that's why people have suggested ending the war. Amari found out about that, and she's going to kill us all herself if Europe doesn't do it for her. We have to kill her before that happens. So tonight, we will choose a soldier to defeat our true enemy.

"The top 16 soldiers with the most confirmed kills will fight a tournament, and the winner will be our chosen Champion. I've spoken to my advisors, and these top soldiers are..."

She listed off name after name, and I paid attention with little interest. These were just more people with a chance of being sent off to certain death. But she definitely caught my attention when she ended the list with, "And Trey."

My entire year group was watching me with concern and pity. I told them, "Shut up. It's fine. I'll just lose the tournament. Should be easy."

Fuck. What if I don't manage to lose? What if I am sent to fight Amari? She'll kill me for sure. For all we know, she's completely immortal. Whoever wins this tournament will almost certainly die.

Oh, stop being ridiculous. Of course you won't win. You'll be fighting the most powerful people in the Coven. There's not a chance in hell you'll win. You're safe.

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