Part 6: y/n dempsey(patrick Dempsey daughter)

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Y/n's pov: so im on the set of grey's anatomy season 7 for episode eighteen where I'm a singer who is doing a song for the musical episode and I walk on set and someone says...

Ellen Pompeo: hey kid, your the singer?

Y/n turns around and says..

Y/n: yeah that's me.

Ellen: you look really like patrick dempsey.

Y/n: can I tell you a secret?

Ellen: yeah sure.

Y/n(whispers in her ear): I'm his second born  daughter.

Ellen: oh wow, does he know your here.

Y/n: I think he will be so happy at the table read that I'm here.

Y/n's dad walks over and says..

Patrick: so Ellen, who is this?

Y/n turns around and says..

Y/n: oh hello.

Patrick: y/n is that you?

Y/n: yes that's me.

He hugs you and y/n just leans into him and he says.. 

Patrick: I missed you sweetie.

Y/n: I missed you two dad.

He kisses her forehead and says.. 

Patrick: is the rest of the family here?

Y/n: no just me dad, the rest is at home.

Patrick: should we go to the table read now.

Y/n: yeah sure let's go then dad.

Patrick: can I hug you first?

Y/n hugs him and he says...

Patrick: love you sweetie.

Y/n: love you too dad.

As your dad, I will always be here for you even if I'm filming in la for my career but I will love you forever princess, love dad❤️

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