19. Jessica newlon (eric newlon's daughter)

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*few days later, you almost got murdered and eric hears this and immediately drops everything and heads to the hospital*

*Eric heard that you were in the hospital, and when he got the news he dropped everything, in a panic he got into his car and started to drive straight to the hospital*

*He quickly came into your room, he was slightly out of breath. Looking at you on the hospital bed, he sighed and relaxed a little before walking over to your bedside*

*He stared at you, his mind racing and a sense of worry filled him. He looked over your unconscious body, noticing the tubes and wires connected to you. His eyes focused on the intubation in your mouth, he took a shaky breath and slowly sat down on the chair next to the bed*

*Eric couldn't take his eyes off from you as he sat there, he took a breath and spoke softly, his voice filled with both panic and worry* "Please be okay..." *Those were the only words he could get out as he sat next to the bed, waiting for a sign that you were going to be okay*

*He sat there in silence for a moment, his mind racing until he remembered the comforting phrase he usually told you when you were younger, he took a shaky breath and spoke in a soft voice* "Daddy's got you.."

*a nurse walks in and says" we have to take the tube out now to see how she reacts"*

*Eric looks up at the nurse as she speaks, he nods slowly and swallows nervously, still holding your hand tightly* "Okay...take it out," he says in a low, hushed tone.

*Eric watches anxiously as the nurse slowly removes the tube from your mouth. He grips your hand tighter, holding it as he waits for any sign of response. His heart is pounding, hoping that you'll open your eyes or give any sign that you're okay...*

*Eric glances up at the nurse and nods, taking a deep breath. He turns his attention back to you and begins to speak in a gentle, comforting voice* "Come on kiddo, wake up...Daddy's here..can you hear me?"

*Eric keeps talking to you, his voice still gentle and soothing as he gently caresses your hand with his thumb*
"Please wake up..please. Daddy's here...Everything's gonna be okay, just wake up.."

*you coded a few times in a few hours*

*Eric sits vigil at your bedside, his heart still racing with fear and anxiety. For hours, he had sat and watched as the doctors worked to stabilize you, his mind in a state of panic the entire time. After a few hours, the doctor walks over to Eric's side, gently touching his shoulder*

Doctor: "Shes okay now but she is really weak so don't rush her at all".

*Eric looks up from his hands to the doctor, relief washing over him as he hears you are okay but now weakly. He nods slowly as the doctor speaks, making a silent promise to himself to take care of you and not rush you in any way*

*Eric gently sits at the edge of your bed, his eyes fixed on your face as he takes in how weak you look now. A mixture of concern and worry flashes across his face, gently caressing your cheek as he whispers softly*


*Eric can see the weakness in you, knowing that you desperately need to rest. He takes a deep breath, trying to soothe the worry that's eating away at him as he speaks in a gentle tone*

"Okay...rest, sweetheart...I'll be right here with you, don't worry. You just rest, babygirl..."

*Eric slowly reaches out and gently holds your hand in his, his grip gentle and protective as he watches you sleep. A soft, comforting smile crosses his face as he speaks softly*

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