I wish,
Not much
That you're asking me,
How I feel
And you really want to know.
That you're holding me,
When I fall
And you never run out of strength.
That you're honest,
When I lie to myself
And you're never afraid of the truth.
That you believe in us,
When we doubt
And don't give up on us even in hard times.
That you're talking to me,
When I'm silent
And you find the words for both of us.
That you never lose hope,
When I lose myself
And look around searching for you.
That you miss me,
When we're separated
And it feels like homesick.
That you kiss me,
When our eyes meet
And our hearts beat in the same pace.
That you'll find time for me,
When everyday stress catches up with us
And the days seem like seconds to us.
That you love me,
When I can't love myself anymore
And smother my self-doubt.
I just want to
Be your happiness
In a world where misfortune
Takes up way too much space.
I just want
You and me
Plucky Toughtfullness
PoesieIn the world we live in, thoughts are lost. They're lost because we don't want to think them. Some thoughts are naughty, some are forbidden, some are undesirable. We don't want to think them. We can't. We don't have time. We're not brave enough. So...