3. Your sins are mine to carry

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( Holy moly I'm alive yes.
Important note:

I have decided to change Finn's appearance and changed his Blonde hairs to black and Brown eyes to ocean blue. His hairstyle is same as S4 Eren, a bun. Well without any further ado, let's get started)

AHHHHHH!!! no please, someone please SAVE MEE-

Mommy please wake up. I'm scared, I'm-

The cries for help were never heard by anyone as the hungry monsters savoured the innocents. Bodies lying in every street of the Shiganshina district which was once, full of life. Scavengers already feeding upon the dead. People running away from their death as it knocked on their door. Abode on fire as the toxic fumes filled the air along with the screams of fear, desperation and helplessness.

"Until that time a wretched soul and parted for God was I, and wholly avaricious....." a priest is seen roaming the city, praying to God, asking for his mercy but his prayers were never heard as the man eating monster stood right in front of him. He was picked by they devil but he kept praying, until his last breath as he was munched on.

A women was seen running, hoping that she would be able to escape them, unfortunately for her, the path ended as she was not trapped. She covered her mouth in disbelief about the situation she was in. Suddenly the sunrays were blocked by a shadow, she looked up and saw a menacing smile of a Titan which was looking down at her. The Titan picked her up like a doll as she kept screaming for help but at the end was only met with her death. The titans flooded the city through the hole that the huge titan put. Chaos. The citizens kept getting eaten left and right. No hope left for them.

At the same time, a soldier is seen carrying two children and another following them. This soldier was none other than Hannes, with him were now traumatized Eren Finn and Mikasa. Eren kept looking towards the direction where once him home was. Finn kept his head down as Mikasa followed them. Eren now out of his daze, elbowed Hannes on his neck

"We were so close to saving mom, if only you hadn't interrupted, we could have saved her, she could have been with us, but now SHE'S DEAD". Said the boy as he kept hitting the garrison until he was thrown to the ground. Mikasa went towards him to check on him as Hannes placed the other boy on the ground who was still too shocked.

"Eren. Listen to me. You couldn't have saved your mother. You're still too weak", hearing this the hot headed boy went to punch but his fist was grabbed by the soldier. "But me, I'm worst. Your mom is dead because I couldn't save her. I was a coward."

Coward. That's right,thought Finn. He was indeed a coward. The soldier and the trio went towards the canals where boats lined up to evacuate the survivors. On one of the boats, Armin, their friend, was looking over the city, trying to find his friends who were separated during the attack and finally he found them, he tried to call them out but stopped when he looked at them. Their eyes were red and puffy, those eyes carried trauma.

"Let them be. Poor kids must have suffered quite a lot", said an old man besides the blonde boy who was his grandfather. Armin lived with his grandfather as his parent died, trying to escape the walls using a 'balloon' which could fly, but in the end, were killed for their actions before they could escape. Armin said nothing but went towards his friends.

"It's over. It's really over".

"They're here. We are all gonna die".

Murmurs were heard throughout the boat as the trio sat closely to one another.

Finn kept his head down, remembering what his father said


"Don't ever think about going to the surface. Those monsters are ruthless. They will destroy and devour anything in their way".

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