0.0 | Prologue

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Running through the school hallways was little (Y/N) along with three bloodthirsty teachers.

She had failed her Science, Math and Language tests, resulting in her getting shoved in this mad spiral of a chase.

With a fresh slice wound on her leg and her determined spirit, she turned her head to the only way out presented before her, a small, blue door labeled as "Exit".

Rushing for the door as a desperate attempt to flee from the three, she had failed to notice the presence of genuine fear on the faces of the teacher trio that were pursuing her, each of which were shooting silent but frightened warnings of what was truly lying beyond that door.

She rushed into the unknown room as soon as she opened the assumed exit door, panting and sweating, wanting nothing more than a taste of freedom and relief in this wretched school.

But instead, it seems that all the odds were against her.

As she stood face to face with a feminine humanoid abomination standing before her, the realization hit her like an unexpected truck. This was no exit, but a dirty little trick that lead her directly to her doom.

The unknown figure made her first move, causing black spikes to cover the floor where (Y/N) previously stood. Luckily, she leaped up into the air on time, dodging the figure's fatal attack. Yet, she was clawed back down to a flat section of the ground harshly by her opponent, leaving three more scars but on her right eye this time.

Panicked and filled with adrenaline, poor (Y/N) bolted out of the room, with the demonic figure swiftly flying out right behind her.

As another chase sequence ensues, the figure leaped at her multiple times between certain intervals, attempting to get (Y/N) in her claws. And (Y/N) managed to smoothly prevent the horrible fate each time.

Doors after doors, they were pushing through. Countless corridors, they were sprinting through. Alas, the true exit was in sight. Once (Y/N) gets her hands to pry open the doors, she would finally be free at last.

Or so she thought.

Despite her efforts of pulling at the handles of the door, it wouldn't budge, not even one bit.

The demonic figure began closing in on her, making her heart rate increase with each step the figure took towards her.

All hope was lost as she struggled to move the huge red doors to no avail, even going as far as leaning her back against them as she watches the demonic figure baring her claws at her before her very eyes.

With numerous swipes of the figure's pitch black claws, pain began to consume every part of (Y/N)'s body before she went limp, with everything plummeting into darkness.

Maybe death was the only way out from this hell of a school after all.


Jolting awake, (Y/N) finds herself laying on a bed of soft, golden flowers. Was it all a bad dream?

Looking into the warm light shining from above, she can't help but wonder.

Well for now, it seems that she must find a way out of this place, for it is not her home as she knew.



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