0.3 | Toriel's Home

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Sitting in front of the fireplace, (Y/N) listened intently as Toriel told her various stories. With each story that passed, the girl's interest grew.

Additionally, she was enjoying some butterscotch cinnamon pie that Toriel made. It was delicious, and each bite felt like her energy was being replenished to its maximum.

The goat mother's various stories amused the girl to no end, stories that could engrave itself deep into her memories, stories from different timelines of old to new.

The occasional crackling sound emitted by the fires in the fireplace, accompanied by Toriel's voice which was as gentle as a lullaby, fueled the serene environment with a sense of nostalgia.

Setting her now empty plate down, she allowed herself to curl up, laying her head down on her knees as she hugged them close to her chest. Her eyelids slowly started to descend and cover all parts of her vision with pure darkness.

Her mind started to wander, going as far back to her first meeting with her adoptive parents, Xister and Fen.

The more the girl thought about them, the more worried she became. How was everyone doing? Has anyone noticed that she was missing- no, technically dead yet? Most importantly, how were Xister and Fen gonna handle this?

So many questions ran through her mind, questions that filled her with anxiety. Luckily, she was able to calm herself down with the comfort of the place she was in as a little help.

She frowned, but let her mind wander again after a second thought. But this time, to the good times that she spent with her folks.

From watching Vivian perform different tricks that no ordinary magician could, to being lulled to sleep by the soothing melody of Xister's piano.

She even recalled the moment she was hanging out with Biscuit and Anova, only to be harshly interrupted by Miller's loud screams.

And then there's her time at Paper School. Although it was too short, a lot of treasured memories were made along the way.

She thought of her friends. Engel, Bubble, Abbie and Lana... Minus Abbie and Lana, she hoped that all of them were doing okay. Even if it's after the incident.

More pleasant memories started to flood her mind, making her tense form relax. Soon enough, she found herself drifting to sleep.

"And that's how they managed to win against that evil force of pure negativity."

Announced Toriel as she finished the last story of the day. Hearing no response, she looked down to where (Y/N) was, only to find the human girl all curled up fast asleep.

Setting the book down on the small comfortable armchair, Toriel walked over to the girl's sleeping form and gently carried her into her arms as to not wake her up.

With quiet steps, she walked past the descending stairway and into the hallway. Before stopping in front of a guest bedroom and opening its door, allowing the goat lady to enter the room with the sleeping girl in her arms.

She tucked the sleeping girl into the soft bed of the guest bedroom and planted a kiss on the girl's forehead, before turning around to the open door and leaving, gently shutting the door in the process.

"Sweet dreams, my child."



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