Side Chap. | Missing

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This chapter contains headcannons that are not true unless confirmed by Kaaatie. Please keep in mind!


Walking along the empty streets of Paper Town was a worried Xister.

It has been hours since (Y/N) was supposed to come home from school, yet there were no signs of the 15 year old girl at all.

And what's more concerning is that normally, (Y/N) would most of the time pick up whenever Xister calls her.

But today, the sound of the continuous waiting ringtone played on repeat for more than 5 minutes with still no response from the said girl.

Xister looked at her own two feet as they raced each other with each step she took, she knew she had a gut feeling that Paper School felt off.

Yet, she shook off that feeling, and sent (Y/N) there because it was the only school she could find in the town.

But now, it seems that would be one of the greatest mistakes that she'd ever made.

Stopping at the front steps of the infamous Paper School, she could neither hear the loud chattering of the students, nor the occasional chime of the school bell.

The school was now closed for the day and everyone had already gone home, the huge doors of the school being locked was another evidence of that.

Yet with supposedly no signs of life in the school, she could feel a sinister aura, an aura belonging to a monster who was similar to Fen.

She knew that aura all too well to come to a conclusion that a monster was lurking in the school, hiding, and waiting for a prey to step into its claws before tearing the prey apart in a brutal fashion. Either to satisfy its hunger, or merely its twisted idea of fun.

The thought of it made Xister's worry and unease grow even more, especially when she knew that (Y/N) was eventually gonna be caught in the fire.

She prayed for (Y/N)'s safety in there, prayed to keep their beloved daughter safe for as long as possible until both her and Fen found a new school, or maybe even a new town that was safe for (Y/N) and her little adventures.

Sighing as Xister turned her back towards the enormous entrance of Paper School, she began to walk once again, but this time, to the forest where Fen currently resides in. She has to report of this to her.

All she wants is their daughter to be back home, safe and sound, unharmed and in one whole piece.

So for now, she has to hope that (Y/N) is holding out well on her own, wherever she is.



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