0.2 | Ruins, Puzzles and Monsters

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Following Toriel through a gateway, it led them to a well lit, unusual place. A place filled with different wonders, all mainly in purple and red.

Climbing up a set of staircases and once more crossing through a narrow doorway, they reached a room with six buttons on the floor, a sign and a yellow lever on the wall, obviously a door, and a purple colour no different from the rest of the place.

"Welcome to your new home, innocent one."

Said Toriel, with a voice laced purely with kindness and sincerity.

"Allow me to educate you in the operation of the Ruins."

Was all the goat lady said before proceeding to step on only four of the buttons on the sides, leaving the middle ones untouched and then pulling on the yellow lever. The action causing the room's once tightly shut door to open on its own.

(Y/N)'s eyes sparkled with wonder as she witnessed Toriel making quick work of the puzzle like it was nothing, curiousity present in her emotions.

"The Ruins are full of puzzles, ancient fusions between diversions and doorkeys. One must solve them to move from room to room."

Toriel explained, enlightening the child in front of her as to how differently things worked here in the Underground.

"Please adjust yourself to the sight of them."

As Toriel left the room, (Y/N) examined the room's contents. There's not much to do here except for stepping on the buttons and pulling the lever...

Though she preferred to leave them alone as she does not wish to get locked in this room without the kind goat mother.

Walking up to the sign, her eyes scanned what's written on it. Maybe that can give her a little more hints as to how this place worked, no?

Only the fearless may proceed.
Brave ones, foolish ones, both walk not the middle road.

Glancing at the six buttons on the floor once again, she took into detail that the middle ones were left untouched. It makes sense.

Not wanting Toriel to wait any longer, (Y/N) proceeded into the next room. Or rather, section of the Ruins.

This section was bigger, brighter and livelier than the previous. It was a long hallway, and had vines growing on the walls, several broken pillars, and even a few streams of water with small, wooden bridges built on top of them for people to cross.

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