Side Chap. | Memory

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With a chime of the school bell, the once empty and silent school courtyard became filled to the brim with students and their mindless conversations.

(Y/N) was currently sat underneath a tree with her good friend, Engel, as they read a book they borrowed from the library to pass some time.

Lunch time has arrived but neither of them were hungry, so they settled in on a small activity that didn't cost too much for the both of them. It even gave them the benefit of knowing each other better.

(Y/N) laid her head on Engel's shoulder, listening to him reading the book as her eyes scanned its contents.

The story was about a group of adventurers being separated by an evil unknown goddess after messing around with a certain artifact, all because the artifact was the thing that kept the goddess trapped.

Although the story was entirely fictional, (Y/N) felt pity for the adventurers in the story.

Each of them been through a lot with so little comfort, it makes her worried how they will turn out by the end of the story.

Putting herself in their shoes, she fantasizes her and her little friend group in the adventurers' places.

She wonders, what could each of them do and how differently will they react?

"Hey (Y/N), are you okay? Can you hear me?"

Snapping out of her thoughts, she heard Engel's voice calling out to her.

She looked at him, sensing the worry in his eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I zoned out... What did you say again?"

Sheepishly, she lifted her head off of his shoulder and scratched the back of her neck while looking away, slightly embarrassed.

"That's okay! Earlier on, I asked if there was anything you'd like to do after we... Y'know, graduate?"

Engel laughed and repeated his question, shaking his head at her little airheaded antic before returning his gaze to the book in his hands.

(Y/N) paused for a while after hearing the sudden question. It caught her off guard for a while, considering she doesn't have any plans for the future ahead yet...

"That's... I don't know...? I don't really have plans yet. What about you?"

She shot the question back at him, making him look up from the book he was reading.

"Oh! I'm thinking of becoming a detective... Or maybe an author? Either way is fine with me."

He looked at her and flashed her a sweet smile, making her lightly blush.

She scooted closer to him, both of them diving back into their little story once again.

"Do you want to perhaps... Spend more time with each other after we graduate?"

Now it was Engel's turn to be caught off guard as he turned his head towards (Y/N), a light blush making itself visible on his cheeks.

Unfortunately, the bell went off, signaling the end of their lunch period before he could answer her little question.

The both of them hurriedly packed up their stuff, not wanting to be late to their next class.

(Y/N) said her farewells to Engel and prepared to leave, but he grabbed her hand before she could do so, catching her attention.

"I... I would love to do something like that."

Satisfied, she smiled at him, with him returning back the smile. He lightly gave her hand a little squeeze before letting go and eventually parting ways with her.

If only he'd knew that this was the last time he'd see her again, he would've held her hand for a little longer.



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