0.1 | The Flower and The Caretaker

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As (Y/N) stood up from where she once laid, she began to dust herself off to rid herself of some stray dirt and flower petals that attached itself to her clothing.

She then began to scan her surroundings, though it was proved difficult as expected due to the lack of enough light to illuminate the entire area. The sunlight only shined on the flowers, after all.

Guess the only way for her to navigate for now is to depend on her senses. Thanks to the hole that caused her downfall here in the first place, it also proved itself to be useful to an extent as its light shone brightly enough to reveal a dark cave? Hallway?

It doesn't matter. All that matters is that there is somewhere to go, atleast.

Extending her left hand, she began to feel the rocky walls of the 'hallway' as she walked, her heart thumping in her chest as she tried her best to stay as quiet as possible.

She had been on a lot of bizarre adventures, and being in the dark was no stranger to her. Some dark places were trustworthy, while some were not, yet she can't help but feel mixed emotions towards this one.

With each step she took, she had a feeling that something was not right. Danger was ahead, and she has to be careful here unless she wanted to relive what happened during her time at... Forget it.

Her hand suddenly brushed past a ceramic pillar, causing her to halt in her tracks.

Wrapping her hands around the supposed pillar, it was thinner than a normal pillar. That was it, a gateway.

Walking through, she stood before a brightly illuminated patch of grass, sitting on top of the patch was a flower, a living one with a face.

As innocent as it looked, her instincts were telling her to slowly back away from that sinister feeling flower.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!"

Said the flower, still maintaining it's friendly, smiley facade.

Flowey felt (Y/N)'s eyes on him, her gaze so intense that he felt as if she was staring deeply into his very soul despite not having one.

He knew it all too well, what she was feeling. She feels that she cannot trust him, and that something was off about him. She's caught onto his fake face, it seems.

'But if I played my cards carefully... I could get her to let her guard down so I can strike her when she least expects it.' He thought, it was worth a shot.

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