chapter eight

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ANGELA sighed and pressed her fist to kennedy's apartment door. she knocked three times, shifting her weight to another foot as she waited for kennedy to open the door.

"hey." kennedy smiled, swinging the door open.

"hey." angela said. kennedy signaled for her to walk through the door.

"thanks for coming." kennedy said as she led angela to the couch. "i know this is a little weird."

"can i get you anything?" she asked her guest.

"no, i'm okay, thank you." angela smiled small, taking a seat. "so, what's our plan here?"

"well," kennedy sat down, stifling a sigh. "i talked to courtney and shayne last night and they helped me out a ton with how to handle rumors and stuff."

"alright, what'd they say?" angela asked.

"we shouldn't say anything about it because that will just bring even more attention to it." kennedy said. angela nodded, remaining quiet.

"which, i agree with them because saying something means it deserves our attention." kennedy continued.

"i think we need to just keep doing what we're doing." angela said. "we did a great job in challenge pit and if we continue to bring that energy then it looks like we don't even care about reddit."

kennedy nodded. "exactly."

"so what should we do if somehow that person has pictures of us from back then?" angela asked.

kennedy thought for a second. "that's really a decision for you because i've been out for forever." kennedy joked.

angela chuckled. "right."

"do you think you'll be comfortable coming out to the fans if you have to?" kennedy asked.

angela furrowed her brows. "i never thought i would do a whole coming out thing, just like never deny i was some form of queer."

kennedy smiled. "well, whatever you decided i'll support you."

angela smiled, her eyes meeting kennedy's. "that means a lot. thank you."

kennedy nodded slightly, seeing the stress this situation has caused written all over angela's face.

"do you want to stay for dinner?" kennedy asked, cutting the silence. "i can make my famous bacon cheese burgers."

"i have missed those." angela chucked. "sure, why not."

angela swore she entered heaven as she sunk her teeth into her burger. "goddamn, i think you got better at making these."

kennedy laughed, swallowing a sip of wine. "thank you."

angela enthusiastically took another bite of her perfectly cooked burger topped with crispy bacon and melted cheese.

"so, you excited for sniper chess tomorrow?" kennedy asked, making conversation.

"i don't even know how to play chess but i'm stoked." angela laughed.

"i'm excited to see it." kennedy said. "court and i are gonna watch you guys film."

"you and courtney have been awfully close lately." angela said, taking a sip from her wine glass.

"yeah, we've become really good friends this past month." kennedy smiled.

"i'm glad you've made yourself at home, kennedy. i know i haven't been the most welcoming but smosh is very lucky to have you." angela said.

kennedy felt her cheeks become warm, surprised by the genuine compliment from the woman sitting in front of her. "awe, angela, thank you."

angela nodded, not saying anything else.  maybe it was the change of energy in the room or maybe it was the multiple glasses of wine but something possessed kennedy to pour her thoughts onto angela.

"look, angela, i'm really sorry about everything that happened and that i showed up at smosh one day unannounced. it was shitty of me to assume that everything would be fine."

angela took a long sip of wine. "thank you."

kennedy nodded, understanding that angela wasn't quite ready to forgive her. "how have you been?"

"oh, uh, i've been great." angela said. "work has been amazing and life's been good."

"i'm happy to hear that." kennedy said.

"well, until some idiot on reddit tried outing us." angela added.

kennedy chuckled. "it's a sign that life has been too good."

angela laughed and the two women went back to eating. they quietly sipped their wine, allowing it to blur their minds a little.

after they ate dinner, they moved to the couch. angela propped herself on the corner of the couch, looking at kennedy.

"i really like your blonde hair, by the way." angela said.

kennedy smiled. "aww, thanks!" she twirled her finger around a large strand of her hair. "i love your shorter hair, it suits you."

angela grinned. "look at us being all civil and stuff."

"yeah it's totally not all the wine we've had." kennedy joked. angela laughed and kennedy joined her.

the laughter quieted down and the air was so thick you could cut it. awkward tension and confusing thoughts filled the room as kennedy and angela felt a magnetic pull between them.

they locked eyes, both of their minds rushing with thoughts.

"i think i should go." angela said quietly.

kennedy snapped out of her thoughts, realizing how close her and angela had become.

"yeah, right." she quickly backed up as angela stood up and anxiously picked at her fingers.

"hey, are you driving?" kennedy shot off the couch.

angela fought back a laugh of disbelief. "uh, no, actually, when you sent me your address i found out that we live on the same street."

kennedy stood there. "really?"

angela opened the door. "see you later, neighbor."


abi speaks!
oooh the plot thickens...

yay we hit 1k reads!! 🤩

hope everyone is enjoying this so far! see you in the next one 😘

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