chapter twenty-two

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KENNEDY sat down on the steps, the chatter of the party sounding so far away, but was really just behind the door.

"you lied to me." angela said. "you said you wouldn't be back until tuesday."

kennedy turned her body toward angela, breathing in the mixture of the scents of their perfumes. "sorry, just thought a surprise would be fun."

angela smiled, interlocking their fingers. "it was certainly surprising."

"is it crazy to say that i missed you, like, a lot?" kennedy asked. instead of answering, angela cut the space between them with a kiss.

their lips moved together as kennedy reached up and placed a chilly hand on angela's face, unknowingly making angela melt under her touch.

"i guess you missed me too." kennedy joked into angela's lips.

angela smiled into kennedy's big blue eyes, scanning every inch of her face. she never really noticed how different she looked since the last time she memorized her face.

back then, kennedy's hair was darker, which meant her eyes lit up her entire face. she also had a sprinkling of young freckles, only visible to those who were looking for them.

her face has since then matured, becoming less round and less blushed. signs of aging that angela didn't want to think about.

"how was your trip?" angela asked, her voice light.

kennedy smiled. "it was great."

there was a beat of awkward tension as the two looked down at their feet.

"look, i know we have a lot to talk about but why don't we save it for another time?" kennedy suggested. "right now we can just have some fun together and scope out where to go from there."

angela nodded. "okay." she rested her head on kennedy's shoulder and began fidgeting with kennedy's rings. the two breathed in the moment, enjoying each other's company.

just as they heard the door begin to open they separated with a small jump.

"hey, we're gonna do s'mores out back if you want to join." courtney cheerfully announced, not noticing the startled pair.

"ooh sounds good." kennedy said. she offered angela a hand as she stood up, eventually following courtney through the house and into the backyard.

outside was a smaller group being lit up by red and orange light. shayne, amanda, chanse, arasha, and now courtney were sitting in chairs around the fire, laughing at something chanse was saying.

shayne looked up as kennedy and angela sat down into two empty chairs next to eachother. "aye, kennedy, we didn't think you'd make it!"

kennedy smiled. "i almost didn't, but when i heard you were here i drove the plane myself."

everyone laughed. "yeah, i bet." shayne joked.

courtney handed kennedy and angela sticks and the two waited patiently for the marshmallows to be passed around.

laughter and conversation engulfed the group as everyone got comfortable. chanse and arasha got into a loud debate about how long you should cook marshmallows and of course everybody had to weigh in.

during the distraction, kennedy and angela would sneak glaces toward eachother, smiling small when they would make eye contact.

"what do you two think?" amanda asked, opening the debate even more.

kennedy, who was distracted by the way angela's face lit up in the fire, looked up. "about what?"

angela stifled a chuckle. "about how cooked a marshmallow should be." arasha said.

shayne raised an eyebrow at the girl's confusion and pointed to her marshmallow that was on fire due to her wandering eye. "clearly burnt."

kennymatthews added to their story!



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abi speaks!
short n' sweet 💕
see yall in the next one

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