chapter fourteen

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kennedy - kennedy matthews
angela - angela giarratana


hey angela...
are you okay lmao??

im geeat
mEver better
how are uou?

i'm good
are you sure you're okay

quick wuestin
canbyou come over please

uh yeah sure
are you drunk or something?

i swesr
just ckme ober and ill explain

okay, i'll be right over
do you need anything?

no im okat
thank you thiugh

no problem
i'll see you soon

KENNEDY knocked rythmically on angela's door. "come in" was sung from the other side, followed by a giggle.

kennedy opened the door and walked in, finding angela's state amusing. "angela?"

"i'm in my room!" angela called out. kennedy walked further into the home, making her way to an open bedroom door.

"heyyy." angela smiled, only her head uncovered from her blanket.

"hey, what's going on?" kennedy asked, smiling softly.

angela uncovered one arm and held it up. "i broke my wrist." she said quietly. "and the pain pills they gave me are so much fun." angela giggled and kennedy nodded.

"i get it now." she chuckled. "are you alright? what happened?"

"oh, you know me, super clumsy." angela grinned, her words slightly slurred.

"so were you lonely or did you need me to do something?" kennedy laughed.

"can you make me some food?" angela asked, covering herself with the blanket again.

"sure, what do you want?" kennedy smiled.

"can you make me a sandwich?" angela asked, her eyes wide. "i have all the things in my fridge."

"yeah, i can do that." kennedy said. "do you need anything else?"

angela closed her eyes and snuggled into her blanket some more. "no, thank you."

kennedy smiled at angela and walked out of the room. she made her way to the fridge, opening it up and grabbing the ingredients she needed.

she quickly whipped up a turkey and cheese sandwich, placing some chips on the side. she grabbed a napkin and the plate and walked back into angela's room.

"alright, here you go." kennedy said. she set the plate on the side table next to angela's bed. "do you need anything else?"

"no, i'm okay, thank you." angela smiled as she struggled to sit up due to one arm being in a sling. "can you stay, though?"

kennedy smiled and nodded, taking a seat on the bed. she sat across from angela who began eating the sandwich with one hand.

"this is really good." angela giggled, her body was a little wobbily due to the pain killers but due to her state, angela didn't mind.

"i'm glad you like it." kennedy said as she watched angela eat.

"you're so nice to me." angela said. "i don't deserve it."

kennedy frowned. "why do you say that?"

angela sighed. "i was so mean to you when you showed up at smosh."

kennedy shook her head. "don't worry about it. i shouldn't have showed up unannounced."

"no, kennedy, i'm really sorry." angela said, putting her plate back on the table. she leaned her head back. "it's just that- i- i was scared to get hurt again."

kennedy swallowed, knowing that angela was spilling out her feelings because she was on pain pills. "angela, we don't have to talk about it now, you've had a rough day."

"i need to you understand that i don't hate you." angela pleaded.

"angela, i know." kennedy smiled small.

"i'm just worried that i feel the opposite." angela said. kennedy looked into her eyes and felt a pit in her stomach.

"look, i understand why you were the way you were in september, and it's okay." kennedy said. "and i'm very grateful we've been able to be friends again because, i'll be honest, i did miss you."

angela smiled, moving lower to snuggle back into her blankets. "i guess you're just my right person, wrong time."

kennedy got up and grabbed angela's plate. "oh, angela." she sighed with a smile. "you're not gonna remember any of this, are you?"

"probably not." angela giggled.

kennedy pushed a large strand of hair out of angela's face. "call me if you need anything, i don't think i can handle your texting again." she joked.

angela smiled and closed her eyes. "i will."


abi speaks!

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