chapter twenty

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CHRISMAS lights filled the space with moody lighting and recognizable holiday songs were playing as kennedy walked into the smosh building. she was decked out in an ugly christmas sweater and an antler headband resting on her head.

"hey cutie!" courtney called out to her. they were sitting at a table with shayne and spencer, seemingly saving a seat for her.

"hi!" kennedy waved excitedly, making her way over. "sorry i'm late, i couldn't find my sweater."

"do you want a drink?" shayne asked, standing up.

"i would love one." kennedy smiled.

spencer stood up to go along with shayne. as the boys left, kennedy turned to courtney.

"can i talk to you about something?" she asked, her large eyes looking around the room.

courtney shifted, becoming concerned. "of course, ken."

"i think my old feelings for angela are coming back." kennedy said.

"okay..." courtney nodded. "are you gonna do something about that?"

kennedy placed her head on her hand leaning on the table. "i don't know." she sighed. "i want to, but it's awkward, obviously. on top of that, i'm not entirely sure i want a relationship."

courtney maintained eye contact, listening as kennedy continued. "i just want to kiss her, and scream at her because she's made me so confused, but i also want to be the way we were in college, but we're more mature now and i want to see what life would have been like if i never left."

"ken." courtney sighed, rubbing the girl's arm. "i think you need to talk with angela and figure out how she's feeling."

"she was sending me kissing signals last night after you and amanda left." kennedy said.

"did you kiss?" courtney asked.

"no, i ran away." kennedy rubbed her forehead. courtney raised an eyebrow and kennedy chuckled. "not literally."

"well, kennedy," courtney sighed. "it's looking like you need to talk to angela, and soon, because she is definetly having feelings for you." she said, patting kennedy's head.

shayne and spencer came back, with shayne holding a cup of cider for kennedy. "here." he leaned, handing kennedy the cup.

"thank you." kennedy smiled. she took a sip and as the spiced cider hit her lips she would have no idea where this night would take her.

last christmas by wham! boomed as kennedy danced with her arms draped around courtney. many cups of spiked cider later, she felt like she was floating.

a large grin on her face, she twirled courtney, peeking behind her to notice angela throwing her head back in laughter as she spoke to amanda.

"are you looking at who i think you're looking at?" courtney asked.

kennedy giggled. "maaybee."

"you should go talk to her." courtney said, twirling kennedy this time.

"what if i misread everything and i end up ruining the party?" kennedy sighed. "not a good look for the newbie."

courtney swatted her shoulder. "oh, shut up, you're just as much apart of the team as everyone else." kennedy smiled and they continued. "if you guys talk and it goes bad, you're leaving for vacation tomorrow and can run away from your problems."

kennedy furrowed her brows. "i don't know if that's the best advice." she chuckled.

"and yet, i'm the one in a relationship." courtney stuck her nose up. the pair laughed and the music died down. "i'm gonna head to the bathroom."

courtney walked away and kennedy stood in her place for a view seconds. she watched as her clear view of angela, with the exceptions of a view bobbing heads, allowed her to see her laughing and sipping on egg nog, clearly drunk.

instead of walking foward, she made herself comfortable on a couch, mildly out of the way of the party. she needed a quick break away from the loud environment so she sat on her phone.

kennedy then did something she hadn't done in years. she logged into facebook and looked at her old college photos. memories flooded into her fogged brain as she took a long drink of cider.

pictures of kennedy smiling larger than she had in a long time formed a pit in her stomach as she saw that there was a common factor in all of them. she was with angela.

in that moment, the alcohol in her body picked her up off the couch and back towards everyone. she scanned the room, noticing that angela was no longer sitting with amanda, but with damien.

"can i talk to you?" kennedy asked quicker than her brain could process.

angela formed a friendly, but confused smile at kennedy's bluntness. "sure. see ya' damien."

kennedy grabbed angela's arm and practically dragged her outside. "is everything okay?" angela sounded worried.

"look, you can tell me i'm crazy, but i feel like there's some pull between us and everytime i see you i secretly wish that i had never left." kennedy began.

angela didn't say anything. "i know that we were just dumb kids back then but do you ever think about what could have been?"

"i know i was an idiot for leaving when we had something good, and i know i was an idiot for coming back a few months later and randomly proposing to you on your doorstep, but i had hit what i thought was rock bottom with shitty new york not taking me anywhere and you were the last good thing in my-"

kennedy was cut off by her lips being on angela's for the first time in almost a decade. pleasantly surprised by angela's kiss, kennedy moved her hands up to angela's cheeks, savoring every second.

finally, the two mutually pulled away. "wow." angela said. "you've had a lot in your mind."

kennedy lightly laughed. "i guess you could say that."

angela wrapped an arm around kennedy's waist. "for what it's worth, i don't think you're crazy." she said. "at least not for that. proposing on a random thursday night after flying to california, maybe, but wanting to kiss me..."

kennedy pulled angela into another kiss, smiling into her lips. "yeah, yeah."


abi speaks!
finally!! these two finally kissed 🥳🥳
i hope it was worth the wait 💕🤞

new kengela lore just dropped! kennedy came back and proposed a few months after leaving for nyc and angela obviously said no...

see yall in act two 😘

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