chapter twenty-six

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KENNEDY rested her head on angela's stomach, their bodies perpendicular. she closed her eyed as her head moved with angela's breath.

they were the victims of another long shoot week and weren't finished yet. kennedy and angela were cast in a reddit stories video all about exes. at first, the two were avoided entirely for that topic, due to not wanting to exploit somebody's past relationship, but it was angela who thought having them on would be funny and kennedy agreed.

"wow, really stealthy you two." a shadow appeared through kennedy's closed eyes. she opened them and was met by a smirking courtney. "if you want this to be our little secret you probably shouldn't cuddle on company couches."

"we aren't cuddling." angela groaned. "we were napping."

courtney chuckled. "well, i'm sorry, but it's almost time for reddit stories."

kennedy rolled off of angela, her back sore from having nothing under it. in a position that wasn't exactly comfortable, her head and legs were the only thing supported, thanks to angela and a foot rest.

"ugghh." kennedy groaned, rubbing her eyes. "i was almost asleep."

"i was asleep." angela countered, standing up and fixing her hair slightly.

"alright, go on, i told shayne i would get you guys." courtney ushered them toward the pit stage and walked away.

"you're one hundred percent sure you're comfortable doing this?" angela asked as they walked toward the reddit stories set.

kennedy nodded. "are you?" she asked as the pair sat down on the couch.

angela nodded as well and made herself comfortable on the familiar couch. kennedy smiled at her and waited for the video to start.

"welcome back to more crazy reddit stories," shayne began once the cameras were rolling. sitting in the chair next to kennedy and angela, he rested his hands on the iconic yellow ipad. "i'm shayne, and today i'm joined by kennedy, hello kennedy, and angela, hello angela."

"hello shayne." kennedy greeted.

"i wonder why we're here." angela said to kennedy causing a laugh from shayne.

"the theme today is am i the ex?" he said. angela pretended to understand why it was her and kennedy in the video and kennedy put her pointer finger to her lips.

"hmm." kennedy said.

"these are stories posted by people not realizing they've probably already been broken up with. their relationship is probably already over, and they don't realize it." shayne explained to the pair.

"oh damn." angela said. "can't relate."

kennedy laughed and slapped angela's shoulder.

"what?" she chuckled. "you made it very clear."

kennedy jokingly rolled her eyes as angela and shayne laughed. "alright, alright, let's go ahead and hop into it."

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