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"Tell me!" I said, but as she was about to speak, Zayne walked in, causing both of us to stand up from the couch and bow our heads.
"Alpha", we said in unison.
"Hello, Luna."
"Who's the blondie?" He asked.
"I am Nara Collin, my lord", Nara replied.
"Okay, good to have you around."
"I would like to speak to the Luna on private matters, and it is getting late as well", Zayne said.
"Luna, escort your friend out, and come to the dining table when you're done", he said and I nodded.
I didn't want to see Nara go, but Zayne was right.
It was about eight in the evening, and it wasn't good for an unmated female to be out at night.
I hugged my best friend before she left, and she told me to call her frequently.

I exhaled and went to the dining room to meet Zayne.
I don't know why I was so scared, maybe it was because of his aura, but he was my mate, and I needed to get over it.
"Sit", he said, when he saw me enter the room.
I took a seat opposite him, and he stared at me intently.
"May I?" I asked, gesturing to the food.
I was starving, but it would have been rude to eat without permission.
"Sure", he said, and I ate moderately, but fast.
"You might wanna slow down", he said, and I calmed down.

"What did you want to discuss, my lord?" I asked, after we finished eating.
"I reckon that Adrian has told you about the intensive training that will start tomorrow?"
He asked, and I nodded.
"I'll be frank with you."
"I do not want a weak Luna", he said, and I was dumbfounded.
"Do, do you see me as weak?" I stuttered.

"A true Luna is not as delicate as you are."
"Even from her voice, there is dominance, and anyone who hears it will be intimidated."
"You must be fearful, and your aura must be as strong as mine."
"You are the Alpha female, and I will not settle for anything less."
"We are going to have the mating ceremony in less than two weeks, but I cannot mate with you if I do not see changes in two weeks."
He spoke, and I was taken aback by his words.
I didn't know what to say at all, so I was silent all through.
"Do not slack."
"Pay attention to your training, and fulfill your duties as the mother of the pack."
"When I am not around, you should be able to cover for me, as my partner."

"And, you must give me an heir within a year", he said.
"Do you understand?"
He asked with a serious face that sent chills down my spine.
"Yes, Alpha."
"I understand", I said, and he stood up.
"Only after the ceremony, shall we share a bed together."
"Goodnight, Paige", he said, and left me alone.
"What have I gotten myself into?"
I thought to myself.
"I want to see Dylan."
"You can deal with Zayne on your own", Rose said.
"You're not helping", I said to her.
"He thinks I'm weak."
"He thinks I'm not fit to be Luna", I said.
"Then, show you that you are!" Rose replied.
"If he wants a strong Luna, then you should be a strong Luna", she added.
Strong Luna?


"Again!" Zayne commanded, and Adrian pounced on me.
"Wait, wait", I said, trying to avoid his punches but he wouldn't stop until the Alpha said so.
Zayne looked disappointed at my poor reflexes, but he was still pushing me to the core.
I was able to tackle Adrian, but the minute I thought I was in the lead, he hit my stomach and I fell to the floor.
Zayne sighed and told us to take a breather.
"You okay, Luna?" Adrian asked.
"Never been better", I said in sarcasm.
We rested for a bit, before Zayne commanded us to resume, but I was still losing.

"Enough!" He said, out of annoyance.
"Shift", he commanded.
"As in, shift into my wolf?" I asked in a slow voice.
"Well what else?"
"Shift, now!" He said in his Alpha voice.
"Alpha, I do not think it is a good idea", Adrian said.
"Do you want to disobey me?" Zayne asked in a commanding voice.
"Never", Adrian replied, and in a second, his clothes were ripped.
A big brown wolf appeared, and it looked fierce.
I was scared, so I took a step back as the large creature approached me.
"Shift into your wolf, Paige", Zayne commanded.
"Do it!" Rose said.
I closed my eyes and my clothes tore as I changed into my white wolf.
Rose wasn't as big as Adrian, but she was average size.

"Is Dylan watching?" She said in my mind.
"Focus", I said.
"Fight!" Zayne commanded, and Adrian's wolf lunged for me.
My wolf fought back, growling at him.
He bit Rose in the leg and she bit his arm.
They continued fighting, and Rose was losing.
When Adrian's wolf saw that she was getting weak, he overpowered her and was going to bite her neck, but when both of them looked at each other in the eye, he stopped.
His eyes held confusion, and it suddenly turned to an unreadable expression.
Rose used this chance to bite him, and he fell to the floor.

"Enough!" Zayne yelled, and we stopped.
"Maids", he said, and the maids rushed to my wolf with a blanket.
I changed back and they immediately covered me up.
I had a bite mark on my leg, and it was hurting a lot.
But, wolves could heal within a short time, so I didn't think much of it.
"Are you hurt?" Zayne asked, and I shook my head.
"Good", he said, and I glanced at Adrian.
He was now wearing shorts, and when I saw his naked chest, I blushed and looked away.

"Escort the Luna to her room", Zayne said, and the maids led me inside.
"I kicked his ass!" Rose jubilated.
"He was distracted", I replied.
"Did you notice anything strange?" I asked.
"When he stared at me, his wolf said something, but I was in pain, so I didn't hear it", she said.
"Okay", I replied.
"You really have to fight better."
"You just embarrassed me in front of Dylan!" She said.
"Sorry, I'll do better."
"And you should too", I said.

My Luna, The Beta's Mate Where stories live. Discover now