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The doors opened and everyone turned their backs to look at me.
Simon, Ron and Zayne were standing at a podium, and there was a large book in front of Simon, who would be officiating the event.
My mother was seated at the front seat, and when she saw me, she smiled lovingly.
I didn't have a father, so I wondered who was going to walk me down the aisle.
I didn't think for long, because Adrian just came to my side and put my arm in his.
I fought the urge to scoff as we started walking through the crowd, people staring while some made comments.

"You're seriously taking me to him?" I whispered to Adrian.
"I have no choice", he replied.
"I despise you", I said, but he didn't reply.
I was now transferred to Zayne's arms, and I felt uneasy when he put his hand around my waist and we faced Simon.
"Welcome, everyone."
"We are introducing our Luna to you all today."
"She will be the companion, wife, and partner to the alpha"
"And mother, sister and daughter to all you who are part of the River Moon pack", Simon announced.
"Now, to the alpha."
"Do you promise to treat the Luna as yourself?"
"As your alpha female, and promise to care for her, until death do you part?"
"Your answer?"
Simon asked Zayne.
"Yes, I do", Zayne said, causing my heart to pound loudly.

"And to the Luna."
"Do you promise to stand by the alpha?"
"To love and cherish him, and to produce heirs who will carry his leadership in the future?"
"Your answer?" Simon asked.
My hands started to get sweaty, and I looked at Zayne, then at the crowd, my mother, and finally, at Adrian.

He had a pained look on his face, as if begging me to say no, but I couldn't.
"Yes, I do", I said slowly, and Adrian looked away.
"Now, for the final part", Simon said.
He brought out an ancient dagger and I was confused.
I hoped he wasn't going to do what I thought.
He neatly sliced Zayne's palm, causing blood to flow into a goblet.
Zayne's hand healed immediately, and then he turned to me.

I got scared, but after looking at my mother, I closed my eyes and Simon cut me.
It stung really bad, and then Simon poured Zayne's blood into the cut.
"Ouch", I said as Zayne's blood drained into my system, causing me to feel a bit weird.
"It is complete", Simon said.
My hand wasn't healing, but I didn't let anyone see it.
"Ladies and Gentlewolves, our new Luna!" Simon said, and the whole pack cheered.
"We'll let the alpha finish the rest in private", Simon whispered and I knew exactly what he meant.
There was no sight of Adrian, and I didn't really want to see him either.
My mother hugged me and said hello to Zayne, who introduced me to a man that looked almost like him.
Except that the man was younger and instead of brown hair, had dyed blue short hair.

"Finally, a little sis!"
"Nice to meet you, Luna, I'm your brother-in-law!" He said with a toothy grin.
"Hi, nice to meet you too", I replied.
He was the polar opposite of his brother.
He was also fun to talk to, and he made the evening better for me.
Zayne didn't spare me a glance the whole time, he was busy speaking to his pack members.
Nara came to me, squealing about how lovely the dress was.
"Soooo, are you excited to fuck the big bad Alpha?" She asked.
"Wait, don't tell me that's another word for.. you know, the thing?" I asked silently
"Of course!"
"Did you think it was only a curse word?"
"Darling, there are so many things that you do not know."
"I'm sure you don't even know what you're supposed to do tonight", she said, and I nodded slowly.

"Gosh, what would you have done without me?"
"Come", she said and we slipped away from the crowd and went to my room.
"When will you fully move into his room?"
"Your room's been untouched!" She said, as we entered.
"I don't know either", I said.
"Now, let me give you a brief demonstration", she said, and stood in the middle of the room.
"The alpha comes in, okay?"
"And, you're wearing your night gown."
"He reaches for your arm, and you melt into his touch."
"You sigh softly, and then he pulls you close!"
"And then, your lips join."
"And he takes you to the bed, and makes sweet love to you", she said and I opened my mouth in shock.

"How do you know all this?" I asked, feeling scared.
"Oh come on."
"When you were busy shoving books in your face, I did my own research."
"And I assure you, you're gonna enjoy it", she said, but I was skeptical.
"I don't know, I heard that it hurts really bad", I said slowly.
"At first, you might bleed too."
"But, it's gonna be okay."
"As long as you're fully in the mood, and it isn't dry", she said.
"What's dry?" I asked, and she face palmed herself.
"This is why sex education is important", she said and sat down beside me.
"He has to touch you, to make you get into the mood."
"Then, you'll get horny and you'll get wet down there."
"It's natural, don't worry."

"It's going to be easier if you're turned on, or else it'll hurt a lot."
"Then, he'll put his mighty dick in you and fill you with his Alpha seed!" Nara said happily, while I just stared at her in bewilderment.
"I'm scared", I said.
"Do you not desire the Alpha?" She asked.
"No", I replied.
"How can that be possible?"
"Even after your heat?" She asked and I nodded.
"Nara, there's something I have to tell you", I said, but a maid knocked on the door.
"Luna, it is time to get ready for the Alpha", she said.
"Shit", I cursed.

"We'll talk later, okay?"
"Call me if you need anything", Nara said, and I hugged her.
"Thanks so much Nara, you're the best", I replied and she left.
Maids walked in and I was a bit dumbfounded as to why there were so many.
"We are to make sure that every scent of any other male is not on you, so, we will wash you ourselves", Emilia said, when she noticed my facial expression.
"Great, just great", I said.
I was led to the bathroom, and my clothes were taken away while I sat in the bath that the maids had prepared.
They used mint and strawberry scented soaps for me, while orange scented candles were being lit.

I dreaded being bathed by someone else, but I had no choice.
My hair was washed and I finally went out of the tub.
I was clothed in a white silk night dress that had a jacket with it, and the maids didn't let me wear a bra.
The reason being, it was custom for the Luna to wear only panties and go to meet the alpha.

These people and their customs.
Oops, I forgot, I was their Luna now.
Lastly, the maids sprayed me with a strawberry scented perfume, because, according to the Alpha, that was my mate smell.
Finally, I went upstairs to his room, and all the maids who accompanied me left.
Adrian suddenly came out of his room, and when our eyes met, I felt ashamed for some reason.
He came to me, and I was expecting him to be upset with me, but he touched my cheek and I nearly gasped.
He wasn't supposed to touch me because I was going to meet Zayne, but I guess he didn't care.
"Alpha, the Luna is here", he said, his voice breaking as he said so.
"Adrian", I said in a low voice.
"Let her in."
"We shall not be disturbed", Zayne said from over the door.

"Go", Adrian whispered.
I fought back my tears and slowly opened the door to Zayne's room.
As I closed it, Adrian stared at me with sad eyes, and then, he left.
I turned my back slowly, and Zayne was sitting in his bed, wearing a white t-shirt and sweatpants.
The room was painted blue, and it was wide, with a desk in the far end, and a walk in closet, bathroom and even a book shelf.
"Do you plan on standing there all through the night, dear Luna?" Zayne asked, snapping me from my thoughts.
"N-no", I said, my voice shaky and my heart beating fast.

My Luna, The Beta's Mate Where stories live. Discover now