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"I did!"
"I even talked her out of getting pregnant right away!"
"Now, I don't know what's happening."
"She cannot possibly be pregnant in such a terrible situation!" Emilia defended.
"Well, news flash, she's pregnant all right."
"She smells the same way Kendra did when she was pregnant."
"And now, the baby is in danger", Gloria added.
Everyone turned their attention to her, waiting for her to complete her sentence.
Paige started to move and she then opened her eyes, and everyone immediately looked at her.

"What happened?" Paige asked in a tired tone.
"You fainted, and Gloria just examined you", Nara explained.
The memories of last night then came to Paige's mind.
Taking Adrian to the library, hitting her head, and Adrian forcing himself on her.
Then...the mark.
She slowly touched the fresh wound on her neck, and she couldn't help but break down into tears.
"Aww Paige, stop crying", Kendra said and tried to comfort her friend.
"It's all my fault", she said in tears.
"I took him there."
"And he forcefully marked me."
"Zayne will never forgive me", she said, then she remembered that Zayne wanted to kill Adrian yesterday.

"Where's Adrian?"
"Did, did Zayne kill him?" She asked in a scared voice.
"No, he only had him take two mg of wolfsbane."
"He said he wants him to be alive when he wants to present him to the pack", Kendra said.
"Present him to the pack?"
"What does that mean?"
Paige asked, and even Gloria didn't know what it meant.
"I know what it means."
"And, if I am correct, then, this is not good", Emilia said, and all eyes were on her.
"Basically, when a pack member betrays the pack, he is summoned by the Alpha and the whole pack gathers."

"Even if the Alpha is aware of the crime committed, the offender must explain himself again to the whole pack this time."
"And, if they find him guilty, he will be sentenced to death."
"But, if not, he will be banished from the pack and will live as a rogue or join a different pack."
"So, if the Alpha is trying to summon the Beta, then it means..", Emilia said, and Nara helped her complete the sentence.
"That he's going to tag the Beta as an offender."
"Then, what happens to Paige?" Kendra asked in a worried tone, but a knock on the door startled them, and Caleb walked in with a pained expression.

"What is it?" Kendra asked her mate.
"The, the Alpha has summoned the whole pack."
"And, he wants me to bring Paige."
"He said to the whole pack that the Luna is having an affair, and he will tag her actions as a form of betrayal", Caleb sadly broke the news.
"I'll kill that fucking bastard!" Nara yelled, and Paige started to cry even more.
"Paige, be strong."
"You know you're innocent."
"So, don't be scared", Kendra assured her friend.
"Babe, it's fine to feed Xavier", Caleb told his mate.
"I have to go, Paige", Kendra said, and hugged her before she left with Caleb.

"We'll leave you to get ready, Luna."
"And, we will stand by you no matter what", Gloria said, before she bowed and left with Emilia.
"Nara, I'm scared", Paige said.
"Don't be."
"You're innocent, and we all believe you", Nara said.
"Now, a pack meeting is a pack meeting."
"Let's get you dressed in the most badass outfit ever!" Nara said, trying to cheer her best friend.
They hadn't told Paige that she was pregnant yet, and it could wait, since Paige had a lot on her mind.

Nara picked out a red turtle neck shirt and wide legged jeans for Paige, then gave her boots to go with it.
She styled her hair in a bun and applied minimal makeup for her.
"Ready to go kick some Alpha ass?" Nara asked her best friend.
"I guess", Paige said.
The shirt covered the mark that Adrian gave her, so she didn't feel as disgusted as she was earlier.
Nara held her hand all the way to the court room, and then, Paige froze.
The last time she was here, was during her mating ceremony.
That day was filled with mixed emotions, and she never wished to come back.
But, she was here again.
And, she was a betrayer in the eyes of her mate.
"Ready?" Nara asked.
"Yes", she replied.

"Now, you all have been summoned because, we have a betrayer in our presence."
"Our very own Luna", Zayne said from his chair, gaining murmurs from the whole crowd.
"Let her in", Zayne said and the doors opened.
All the pack members turned their heads to see Paige and Nara walking to the front.
Many gossiped and a few looked at Paige in disgust, while others felt pity and worry was on their faces.

Paige was too ashamed to look up at Zayne, and he too didn't look at her.
They finally got to the podium, and Nara let go of her friend's hand, also she didn't want to.
"It'll be fine", she whispered, and went to sit at the front row, where Kendra sat at.
Paige's eyes then spotted her mother beside Kendra, and Sandra's heart broke when she saw her.
Her motherly instincts then stepped in, and the wrath of a mother was definitely harsher than that of an Alpha.

"With all due respect, Alpha Zayne,"
Sandra said with contempt as she stood up to look at the furious alpha.
"Yes, Miss Aspen?" He asked, not looking at Paige.
"I see no reason why you should bring my daughter, your mate to the front of the whole River Moon pack and then tag her as a betrayer."
"If you two fought, then you should have resolved in behind close doors."
"Why bring her to shame?"
"Is her crime so severe, that you forgot the love you had for her, and organized this meeting?" Sandra asked Zayne, who was a bit amused at Paige's mother's words.

"You're just defending your daughter when you do not know the crime she committed, huh?"
"A wonderful mother indeed", he said in a condescending tone.
"I do not care what her offense is."
"She is my child, and she came out of my womb."
"Whatever sin she commits, does not reduce her worth or my love for her!" Sandra yelled at the Alpha, and he folded his hands.
"Alright then."
"Let's hear it from the Luna herself."
"Everyone, pay close attention", Zayne said and finally, he set his eyes on her.
He suddenly forgot all that he was about to say, and his heart ached at the sight of his mate.
He wanted to forgive her and start again, he wanted to erase what he saw last night.
But, the betrayal was too much for him.
He saw it as an act of unfaithfulness and he was beyond furious.

My Luna, The Beta's Mate Where stories live. Discover now