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Paige's POV

The lunar eclipse was in one week, and the house was busier than ever.
So many refreshments were being prepared, and maids were carefully arranging the first floor.
Some men were also trimming the flowers in the gardens, and the training ground was going to be used as parking spaces for the packs that were coming.
As usual, Zayne was so busy, and hardly came to bed.
I missed him dearly, but I knew that he had a lot of responsibilities, so I completely understood.
The only annoying thing, was that he would tell Adrian to keep me company, and Adrian was the last person I wanted to be around.
If it were Ron or Simon, I wouldn't complain.
But Adrian.

The gamma and his mate came visiting a week ago, and I was so happy to finally meet them.
Zayne said that since he would be needing Caleb around for some time, they were going to stay with us at the pack house.
I was excited to meet the new baby boy whose name was Xavier.
Kendra was just a year older than Nara and I, so, we became good friends immediately.
He looked just like Kendra, but he had his father's curly brown hair.
Nara also came to stay, and it was nice to have people to talk to.
I called my mother to ask about the witches, but she told me she was looking for a solution and that soon, we would get in contact with them.
My mother always kept to her word, so I strongly believed in her.

"Hey, Paige."
"Xavier's finally asleep."
"Let's go watch a movie!" Kendra said to Nara and I, and we agreed.
We went downstairs and sat in the living room, and watched a romantic movie.
When a kissing scene came up, Nara squealed, and Kendra covered her eyes, as if she didn't just have a child.
"Omg, they're gonna do it!" Nara screamed.
"Do what?" I asked, completely unaware of what was happening in the movie.
The male lead suddenly took off the female lead's clothes, and all of us watched in anticipation.
They had just started the action, when we heard male voices coming from the stairs, and Nara immediately changed the channel.

The alpha, delta, gamma, and omega suddenly came into the living room, and all three of us had guilty looks on our faces.
Nara and Kendra stood up to bow, and I subconsciously did so too, even though I didn't want to.
"Why are your cheeks so flushed, Kendra?" Caleb asked his mate.
"It's just hot in here", she lied.
"But the air conditioning is on", Simon said.
Zayne came close to the sofa I was sitting at, and I averted my eyes from him.
If he looked into my eyes, he would have seen what we were watching, and I was embarrassed.
"You three were watching erotic movies!" Zayne said, and all three of us felt embarrassed.

"But, Alpha."
"We are all adults."
"So, it shouldn't be a problem, should it?"
"And, two of us here know about it all too well", Nara said without feeling shy, and I was bewildered.
Zayne was amazed at her bluntness, and he chuckled.
"You all are adults, so, it shouldn't be a problem."
"Let's all watch it together then", Zayne said, and I opened my eyes.
"You want to watch an adult movie with us?" Kendra asked in surprise.
"Why not?"
"We are all adults, are we not?" Zayne said with a smirk.
"Alpha, I don't think we should watch it."
"Three of us here are unmated, you see", Simon said, making Ron and Nara nod in agreement.

"But, can we at least join and watch another movie, that's not too..steamy?" Ron suggested.
"I mean, we've been working all week and we need to relax, yunno?" Caleb added.
"Can we join you, Luna?" Zayne asked me.
"Uh, sure."
"Is that a problem, Kendra, Nara?"
I asked my friends who didn't object.
Soon, the males joined us and we also got popcorn and soda to snack on.
We watched a comedy movie that was appropriate for everyone, and it surely made us laugh.
Zayne laughed so hard that he nearly cried, and my heart smiled at the happiness of my mate.
The movie was over in an hour, and we decided to watch another one.

Kendra went upstairs to get baby Xavier, and she was petting him while we watched.
I offered to help her hold him, and she was delighted.
When I held him in my arms, I smiled at him and he held one of my finger.
"Such a beautiful baby", Zayne commented.
"Very beautiful indeed."
"And so small at that", I added.
"He'll grow up to be a wonderful gamma, just like his father", Zayne added.
"A gamma, to our child?" I asked, and he nodded.
"Our child", I whispered.
"Do you not want to have children?" Zayne asked.
"I do.."
"But, I don't know if my body is ready for it."
"And, you're so busy and all", I said, and he patted my hair.

"I'm always ready when you are."
"And I promise to be by your side all through the process", Zayne said, and I smiled.
For a moment, it was just us, and everyone else moved in slow motion.
He smiled at me, and I felt truly happy.
A part of me imagined Zayne as a father to our children, and I had no doubt that he would be a wonderful father, just like he was a wonderful mate.
We heard a cough and immediately came out of our trance, and I was shocked to see Adrian seated beside Ron.

"When did you get here, Adrian?" Zayne asked, having the same expression I did.
"A few minutes ago."
"I've finished all the work at the borders", he added.
"Good job."
"You're the best", Zayne said, flashing a smile at him.
"We didn't get commendations though", Caleb muttered.
"We've been working nonstop all day, and Zayne didn't even glance at us", Ron added.
"He only has eyes for Adrian!"
"Luna, you better hold your man", Simon said, making all of us laugh.

"These two have been inseparable right from birth, and the bromance between them is so suffocatingly annoying", Simon said.
"Have you two always been so..close?" I asked.
"We were born on the same day, and we grew up together."
"Our parents were friends too", Zayne said.
"Yeah, Zayne and I are like.. brothers", Adrian said, but I felt that he didn't mean his words.
He stared at Zayne and I like we were his enemies, and he looked away from us and continued watching the movie.

Moon god, help me.

Night came and everyone went to bed after having dinner.
Zayne was really tired, so he went to bed early and I joined him.
I woke up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty, so I went to the second floor to have water, and the glass nearly slipped out of my hand when I bumped into a hard wall.
There wasn't a wall in the middle of the kitchen.
That's right, it wasn't a wall.
It was the chest of a man.
I looked up to see Adrian, and he had an amused look on his face.
"Can I help you, Beta?" I asked with a taunting tone.
"Surprised to see me, Luna?" He asked, and I scoffed.
I turned to my heels, but he suddenly pulled me back and inhaled my scent.
I then felt electric sparks in my veins and gasped.
"You smell so, good", he said.
I snapped out of my thoughts and pushed him away, suddenly feeling disgusted.
"Don't touch me like that", I said, trying to not yell at him.

"I have every right to touch you, because even if you stay with him, you're still my mate!" He said, and pulled me close, grasping my ass in the process.
I pushed him away, and slapped him, completely angry at his advances.
"How dare you touch me like that?"
"Do you not fear the Alpha's rage?" I said in an angry tone.
"I do not!"

"Ever since I found out you were my mate, I've been fearless!"
"I, I love you Paige."
"I know you don't feel the same way, but I can't help it."
"I get so angry whenever you're with him."
"My wolf can't take it anymore", Adrian said.
I was about to reply him, when I heard maids talking upstairs, and I grabbed Adrian's hands.
"Come, we can't be here", I said, and we went down to the library to talk.

Little did I know that I had just made a huge mistake.

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