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"Yes, you're pregnant."
"Gloria examined you when you were unconscious."
"We were going to tell you, but then, Zayne asked for you", Kendra said.
"Yeah, you're gonna be a mother soon", Nara said, making me feel scared.
"I can't believe it."
"It's so soon."
"And, now of all times", I said in worried tone.
"Don't worry dear, we're all here."
"You won't go through it alone", my mother said, assuring me that everything would be okay.
"Now, are you hungry?" She asked, and I nodded immediately.
No wonder I felt so hungry and thirsty lately, I didn't know I had a little one inside me.

Well pregnancy couldn't really be that bad, right?

Who was I deceiving?
This was bad, bad to the point that I threw up as soon as I took a sniff of the Alfredo pasta that Kendra cooked.
I didn't have the energy to eat at all, and all I had was water.
Strangely, I was drinking in large quantities and still felt thirsty.
My mom ended up making me a sandwich and I was able to eat without throwing up again.
None of the males were in the house, and it was more convenient for me.
I honestly wasn't ready to face Adrian or Zayne right now.
Then again, Zayne was not aware that I was pregnant, and I really didn't know how to bring it up.

Maybe, I could tell Simon to tell him?
Or I could write him a note?
Ugh. I dreaded having to face him again, but telling him could wait.
Because, I just left the house with my mother.
Nara didn't want me to leave, but she stayed behind to help Kendra with Xavier.
It was about five days to the eclipse party, so, I wanted to spend a few days with my mother before I would return.
At least, I would be away from this toxicity of my mates.

During dinner, I ate like I had a hole in my stomach, and even my mother was amazed.
"Slow down dear, or you'll get indigestion", she warned.
"Sorry mom, I just feel so hungry", I said.
"Yeah, I completely understand."
"You'll feel thirsty many times because of the baby, and you'll also have some weird symptoms", she said.
"Like what?"
"Apart from throwing up and eating?" I asked.
"You might feel dizzy, get heartburn, sometimes even migraines."
"And you'll get weird and terrible cravings."
"Also, the pregnancy duration is three months, so you can expect your body to change rapidly."

"You'll get more hairier than normal, and you'll get back aches, and stretch marks, and your feet might even get swollen."
"And, werewolf babies move a lot, so you can expect sleepless night at times."
"They get violent in the womb and their kicks are really deadly."
"One time, you kicked so hard, I couldn't sleep well for a few days", my mother said.
"That's a lot of things to expect", I said, now feeling a bit scared.
"Oh, don't worry."
"It'll all get better with time."

"There is something else though", she said, looking at me for approval to continue.
"The presence of both mates helps the child grow faster and the symptoms don't get too severe."
"That is why it is necessary for werewolves to have their mates when they're pregnant."
"Their mates can rub their belly, sing songs to the baby, massage their back or their feet, and take them on walks."
"It's like an energy booster to the fetus, and sometimes, it leaps for joy in the womb", she said, and I smiled sadly.

Thoughts of Zayne and I came to my mind.
I imagined him being the best father to his child, and it was such a beautiful memory.
Him rubbing my back and saying words of love to me, and then suggesting names to our child.
A wave of sadness suddenly hit me, and my eyes became teary.
"Oh, I'm so sorry hun, I shouldn't have said anything", my mother said and hugged me.
"I miss him so much."
"I just want to see him, but I can't forget what he did."
"Can love be as painful as this, Mom?" I asked with a sad face and my mother wiped my tears away.

"I wish I could say no."
"But yes, it is like that."
"The person that you love so dearly, can also be the person that you hate so much."
"And, you should not feel sorry for hating them."
"If he's really sorry for what he did, he'll come find you."
"Don't worry, okay?" She assured me, and I nodded slowly.
"Now, stop crying and go shower", she said.
I slowly went upstairs, ignoring the faint headache I was feeling and laid down on my old bed.
I suddenly felt nostalgic, and I sighed when I remembered how my life was before I became the Luna.
I couldn't lie, I lived a pretty boring life, but, after I met the Alpha, things changed and I wouldn't want to trade it for anything.

Even if I was feeling really upset about how he treated me, I still loved him, and I just wanted him to realise his mistake.
I knew for sure that he was capable of change, so I would wait for him.
Then, I remembered that night.
When I hit my head, I started to see black spots, and I wasn't able to get a hold of myself.
I never thought Adrian would do such a thing to me, and I felt betrayed and upset with myself.
If only I had told him off and went upstairs, all of these would have happened
He was so strong that night, and I was scared that he was going to violate me at the spot.
A mark was definitely better than getting raped.

"The..mark", I whispered to myself.
I couldn't feel it on my neck after that woman touched the spot, and since I was wearing a turtle neck shirt, I couldn't see it.
I took off my clothes and checked the mirror, and I was surprised.
The once bruised spot was nowhere to be found, and my skin was back to it's white shade.
Zayne's mark was still there however, and I touched it slightly with my fingers.
"I miss you", I whispered, blinking away my tears.
I looked at my stomach and noticed that it wasn't so flat anymore.
It was a little bit bigger than normal and I rubbed the tiny bump.
"Don't worry, little one, I'll tell daddy about you, soon", I said.

The lady said that I and the child would be in danger soon, but I didn't understand what she meant.
"Was she referring to the eclipse?" I asked myself, not understanding her words.
"Anyways, I just have to be safe."
"Even if it means I'll have to stick to Zayne like gum", I said to my reflection, and finally took a shower.

..Three days later..

My mother made breakfast and left for work early, but before she left, she gave me a book her midwife gave her when she was pregnant, and it was about werewolf pregnancy.
I was flipping through the pages when I heard a knock on the door.
I doubted that it was my mother because she wouldn't knock on her own door, and everyone on my street knew she worked at the pack hospital, so they never expected her to be home until evening.
I stood up and went to the door, and when I opened it, I saw an unfamiliar man who looked like he was in his forties, and he had a surprised expression when he saw me.

My Luna, The Beta's Mate Where stories live. Discover now