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Tears filled Julia's eyes as she left her father's presence, and she walked to her room.
"Hey", Janelle said from Julia's door.
"Now that father has banned me from seeing Zayne,"
"Are you planning on rubbing it in my face?" Julia asked, and Janelle sighed.
"No, of course not."
"You saved them."
"Thank you", Janelle said.
"I did it for Paige only, don't think too much about it", Julia said.
"But, you did slap Adrian in my name", Janelle said.
"Yes, because I heard you cursing at him in your room the day he marked her, so I just helped you deliver the slap to him", Julia said, and Janelle smiled.

"Please, don't let Adrian kill him."
"He shouldn't die because of my mistake."
"And, I'm not ready to see him when I go to the house of the dead for monthly visiting", Julia said.
"I'll do my best."
"I have to get ready to leave, the eclipse has started already, and my powers are over the roof."
"I just wished our powers didn't get stronger whenever there's an eclipse, I still can't get a hold of the strength", Janelle said, her hands sparking by every minute.
"You'll get used to it", Julia said, before she closed her door.
She sighed, and started to bite her nails in worry, hoping that nothing would happen to Zayne.

"Alpha Zayne", The Alpha of White Rock pack said as he saw Zayne.
"Hello, Alpha Garrett, it's nice to see you again", Zayne said.
"This is my mate, Luna Lola", Garrett said, and introduced his mate.
"Pleasure to meet you", he said.
"I'm looking forward to seeing the new Luna, where is she?" Lola said.
"She should be done any minute now", Zayne said, and searched for her.
He finally spotted her coming from the stairs, and he rushed to her.
"Paige", he said, admiring how beautiful she looked.
"Hi", she said in a shy voice.
Rose howled at how handsome he was looking, and even Paige stopped to stare.
He was also wearing a blue suit, with a white bow tie and his long brown hair was perfectly flowing freely.

"You look beautiful", he said.
"Thank you", she replied.
"We have to greet some guests, let's go", he said with his hand stretched out.
She slowly took it, and he was grateful that she accepted his hand.
They greeted three other Alphas and their mates, and Zayne realized that one more pack was missing, but he thought that they were just running late.
"Talk to her", Dylan said, when Paige excused herself to go to the food table.

"She's still upset", he whispered.
"No, Rose says she isn't, now go!" Dylan said, and Zayne finally moved away from the crowd and went to her.
"Hey, Paige", he said.
"Hi, Zayne, we just departed from each other", she said, and he smiled awkwardly.
"I know."
"How have you been?"
"I hope the rogue didn't get to you?" He asked, unsure of what to say.
"I'm good, thanks", she said with a smile.

The weather started to darken, and Simon announced that the eclipse was starting, so everyone should carefully wait until it was over, putting emphasis that no one should push anybody in the name of trying to see through the darkness.
As he spoke, new pack members started to fill the room, but Zayne didn't take note of this.
"It's starting", Zayne said.
"Yeah, she said.
She was about to pick up a cup to get water, when she brushed her hand with Zayne who was also about to get a cup.
She felt sparks from his touch and she moved away in shyness.
"Sorry", she said.
"No, I'm sorry", he said in a shy manner.

She thought that now would be a good time to tell him, since he was in a good mood, and she didn't know when she would be able to tell him, since he would be really busy after today.
"Zayne", she said.
"Yes, Paige?" He asked.
Her heartbeat increased, and she breathed heavily before she finally spoke.
"I'm pregnant, Zayne", she said.
He froze at the spot and blinked multiple times and she patiently waited for his reply.
"Well?" She asked, wanting him to say something.
"Are you really?" He asked.
"Yes, Gloria examined me, and Caleb said I didn't have the fertile smell anymore", she said.

"That's true..", Zayne said, and he slowly looked at her belly and he saw that it wasn't flat like before, and he couldn't believe it.
"Is, is the baby mine?" He asked.
When he saw the bewildered look on Paige's face, he knew he had messed up and shouldn't have said that.
"You think I slept with Adrian?" She asked in disbelief.
"No, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
"You said you had two mates, so I thought you and him-", Zayne said, but she cut him short.
"I have not been with any man other than you, and you should know that."
"Because, if I ever slept with another man, you would feel it!"

"I can't believe you would ask such a thing about your own child", she said, and tried to walk away from him.
He grabbed her hand, and she exhaled in anger.
"Paige, I'm so sorry, please don't go", Zayne said, and she turned to look at him, and she scoffed.
"Fuck off, Zayne", she said with a glare, and tore her hand from his touch.
The eclipse finally started happening and everywhere got dark, and she could barely see as she struggled to get out of the crowd.
As she was walking, she nearly tripped over, but a hand steadied her.
"Are you okay, dear?" A man asked.

His voice had dominance, and she immediately knew that this was an Alpha.
But, she had met all the Alphas that came today, so, she didn't know who this man was.
She couldn't see his face because it was dark, but when she let go of his grasp, she felt scared.
The man's hands were dry and calloused, and his grip on her was tight.
"Thank you", she said.
"You're welcome, dear", he said and disappeared into the crowd.

Who calls a random stranger 'dear'?

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