Part 8: A play date

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(Sakura is heading back to her hall)

I made this dress with so passion. He didn't even noticed. Why boys are like that?
-Lady choi..
-Where is Hinata?
-She went to her relative's house.
-Oh, I hope that she would have a safe journey
-Don't worry, your highness. Her relative's house is not too far from the palace.she will be back within 2days.
-I miss her... well, can I ask you about something?
-Sure, your highness.
-Hayato and Haruki are two brothers. But I have never seen them together. What is the reason behind it?
-Prince Hayato and King to be are step brothers.
-Step brothers?
-Yes, our king is the son of late queen. On the other hand, Prince Haruki is the son of late king's concubine. Though they born in the same year, same day
-Oh, really?
-Yes, but it is a great sorrow that king to be's mother died when he was only 6 years old.
-How did she died?
-It is a remour that prince hayato's mother was so jealous of queen that she put poison in her food.
-Oh my god! How dangerous!
-But the truth is still unknown to everyone. People take is as remour only.
-so, where is she now?
-She lives in the outskirts of the kingdom.
-I see. So, she is still alive. What happened to hayato's father.
-He died when king to be was only 10 years old. And his father I mean king to be's grandfather became king again.
-I see.
(*so, hayato and Haruki both have past life traumas )
So, how did they choose between Hayato and Haruki as king?
-By a battle. You were present that day. Though they were equal almost. But one thing changed their fate
-The real winner of the battle was prince haruki.
-So, isn't it illigal for Hayato to be the king?
-Obviously not. There was an incident which makes him the real winner.
-what was that?
- In the horse race, they both were equal. But accidently a little boy came in the middle of the race. The whole field was full of soldiers. The boy became so scared and start crying. prince haruki crossed the boy and only focused on the race. The boy was so little. Maybe 3-4 years old. But prince Hayato stopped. He hold the boy into his arms and gave the boy back to his mother. He again joined the race. But lastly, he couldn't win. The old king was so wise that he announced him as the king instead of prince Haruki. The whole kingdom was so pleased by king to be's kindness and old king's wise judge .
-i see. But what..

(*Suddenly a kid bumped into me.I look at her. Another kid is standing behind her. They are in maid's cloths. Maybe 5-6 years old.)

-Are you okay girl?(the girl starts crying) I am sorry, did I hurt you?
-I am sorry your highness.. I didn't mean to do it..
-(smiled) it's okay. (Wiped her tears) now tell me, what are you doing here?
-Their parents was unable to paid the tax. So, their whole family has been taken here to be maid . (Lady choi)
-Seriously? They are very little..(I look at them) so, Do you guys play here everyday?
-we are sorry, your highness. We will never play again
-(smiled) who told you not to play? It's good to see you guys are enjoying. You guys are the cheering fairy of this palace Who brings joy here.
-But we are only maids. Nobody like us.
-No.I like you. may I know your name please? (Gentle voice)
-(being happy) I am Miyo and she is Miri
-wow..what a pretty name. Miyo and Miri.. Both of you guys are very sweet. So, are you sisters?
-No, we just work together. We have more friends here.
-(look back at choi) how many kids work here?
-Don't know any exact number.Around 15.(choi)
-Oh my god..what will be their future?(looks back at them) My name is Mizuki Sakura. Nice to meet you.
-(whispers one to another) isn't she the future queen.
-what are guys whispering about?
-Are you the queen to be? (Miyo)
-(smiled) yes.. unfortunately.
-Wow, you are very beautiful. (Miri)
-really? but less than you two. (Smiling) So, what is that? A rope?
-Yes, it's our free time. So, we decided to play jumping rope.
-woah, that's exciting.. Can I play with you?
-You will? (Miri)
-(happily nods)

(Hayato's pov)

Hayato is walking towards Sakura's hall. He suddenly hear kids laughing sound. He looked back and see that sakura is playing with kids. He is walking towards her. Maybe she didn't noticed him. Hayato gestured his servants to leave him alone.

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