A Fateful Encounter

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"That was a lovely sermon, Dani!" I felt Ms. Everly's hand grip mine.

With an embrace, I said, "Oww, Ms. Everly, thank you so much."

My father and Ms. Everly dubbed me "Dani." It always warmed my heart to see Ms. Everly on Sundays since I knew she was very fond of me. She was one of the few persons in Willow Creek who embraced me when I first arrived and has been my staunchest ally. I could call her family that I chose following my arrival.

"How is your father doing, Dani?" She said, "I haven't seen him today."

"Well... He visited Dalton. He was asked to deliver a sermon at St. Bartholomew's. He'll return early tomorrow." I gave her my word since I knew she asked out of worry.

"Always on the road, spreading the gospel." She mentioned. "On other news, Dani I wanted to let you know that I won't be coming to the charity event anymore."

"Oh Ms. Everly, why is that? I was hoping for a surprise performance from you on the piano." I expressed disappointment. Ms. Everly was our very own Alicia Keys... she played the piano so beautifully, and I must confess, I was her fan. I had been looking forward to hearing her play in a large crowd ever since I found out she was a talented pianist. Her music always had a way of touching my soul and lifting my spirits. I hoped that one day she would grace us with a surprise performance, but it seemed like that charity gala was not the day.

"My daughter is back in town and I would love to spend some time with her." she explained.

"No worries, Ms. Everly. I understand." I assured her. "Let me take you home, now."

Ms. Everly was the proud mother of two children, "a delightful set of twins", she would say. The twins went by the names of Jacquie and Archie. While I had not yet had the pleasure of meeting Jacquie, I did have the opportunity to meet Archie upon my arrival. It was during that meeting that I was able to form a pleasant and amicable relationship with him. Archie was truly a gentleman, and he was happily married to his lovely wife, Olivia. He and his wife were as much family to me just as his mother.

We reached Ms. Everly's residence. The air always carried a delightful blend of vanilla and cinnamon, enveloping the cosy ambience that felt like home. In contrast, my father's house lacked such warmth. At Ms. Everly's, I often savoured oolong or hibiscus tea, engaging in lengthy conversations about life, church matters, and occasionally enjoying her piano melodies. Surprisingly, discussions about her daughter, Jacquie, were infrequent. It was as if Jacquie was no longer her family, however, I was planning to judge that upon Jacquie's arrival.

Ms. Everly, at that time, embodied a maternal figure in my life - even with Lady Meredith as my stepmother.

As the afternoon sun streamed through the lace curtains, casting intricate patterns on the hardwood floor, I settled into the worn armchair by the fireplace. The crackling embers added a gentle background rhythm to our conversation, punctuated by the occasional sip of fragrant tea. Ms. Everly's wisdom and kindness were a soothing balm to my restless soul, a stark contrast to the tumultuous relationships that defined my own family dynamics. In those moments, within the walls of her quaint abode, I found solace and a sense of belonging that had long eluded me.


It was then the Friday evening of the church charity event. I had been hesitant to attend the charity event. I wasn't one for large gatherings, preferring the quiet solitude of my church and the comforting presence of my congregation. But Father had convinced me to come, promising that it would be a night to remember. He always said that, year after year but it was always the same. If it wasn't men who you'd consider righteous - lusting over me, it would be my father and Lady Meredith controlling me the entire night.

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