Daniela's Devotion

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Dani's POV

It was Sunday morning when I got up from bed and offered a brief prayer of thanks. I then headed to the shower. 

I had spent the night with my family - my father, stepmother, two older brothers, and younger sister. I used to be an only child with my mother, but I was grateful for my siblings. I enjoyed having a big family now, even though it took some time to get used to. My brothers, James and Malakai - always teased me, but I knew they had my back when it counted. And my little sister, Gabriel, was a bundle of energy, born a superstar and always ready to entertain. Despite the chaos and noise that came with a full house, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I recall that after my mother's passing and my move to Willow Creek, my brother James would visit me occasionally upon discovering that I was their sister. He took on the role of an older brother and introduced Kai and Gabby to me. When my father and Lady Meredith accused me of being a liar and a fraud, he stood by me as family. He even helped me secure a job at the pharmacy. James and Ms. Everly were the individuals I valued the most in that peculiar town.

The delightful scent of sizzling bacon, scrambled eggs, and freshly squeezed orange juice wafted through the dining room, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. This delicious Sunday morning tradition was a cherished part of our family routine, always prepared with love and care by our mother, Meredith.

"Dani, I would like you to take up the offering service after James concludes his preaching today. It's an important task and I know you'll handle it with grace." my father said gently holding my hand. "The church needs the money." I felt a mix of nervousness and pride as my father entrusted me with this responsibility. 

I nodded, understanding the responsibility my father entrusted me with. My eyes showed no sign of hesitation as I replied, "Of course, Father. Whatever helps the church."

On the other side of the table, Kai poked at his food unenthusiastically. Religious matters rarely piqued his interest. He was quiet and people would assume I was older than him because of his occasional childlike behaviour.

"Why all this formality? We're just passing around a plate." Kai asked.

"You know, Kai, Dani has to say something to persuade the congregation to take out money..." Gabby added.

"Even Gabby is smarter than you..." James teased. James was going through a rough patch in his marriage, which led him to make frequent visits to the house, greatly upsetting the Father.

Lady Meredith gently chided Kai while pressing a hand to her temple wincing slightly from the headache that had been pestering her since last night.

"Kai, it's about serving our community. It's more than just 'passing around a plate'. Please try to understand its importance." Lady Meredith said. Kai was clearly Mother's favourite, no questions asked.

Gabby, youngest of all and blessed with an angelic voice, seemed lost in thought, nervously twirling a strand of her hair. "And Gabby, you'll do wonderfully in the choir today. No need for those butterflies." Mother assured her. Gabriel was our father's little sweetheart.

Gabby offered a timid smile but said nothing; her nerves were as clear as the crystal glasses on the table.

"Mother, is your head still bothering you?" I asked.

"Yes, my angel! But I know I will be fine, this is just the Devil trying to stop me from going to church." she answered.

Whenever I stayed overnight, Mother and Father would pretend to love me as much as they did my siblings. All a facade. But as soon as I was with just the two of them, their masks would slip off and the cold indifference would return. I was the outsider, the unwanted one, the burden they had to endure. No amount of forced smiles or empty words could hide the truth from me. Deep down, I knew I would never truly belong in their hearts. And so I learned to find solace in my own company, building walls around myself to shield me from the pain of their rejection. Eventually, I stopped seeking their affection altogether, realizing that I was better off alone than in the presence of such hollow love.

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