Drew's Dirty Dealings

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Drew's POV

As you may have heard, Drew is back in Willow Creek. Nevertheless, I know you are all wondering why I'd return to this hellhole. Apart from the recollections of my hard-won whereabouts and Daniela's father's persecution of me as a lesbian woman on the rise, Willow Creek holds no meaning for me.

Believe me, I was glad to see my mother, but Willow Creek was a place I detested. 

I was all the way from the luxury of my house in Angels. I had all I needed there, but Big Daddy decided it would be a fantastic idea to extend our sphere of influence, and he picked Willow Creek and that awful church for it.

And now here I am, surrounded by the ghosts of my past, back in this place that I vowed I would never go back to. The eerie echo of the church bell chimes reminds me of the years I wasted attempting to fit into a mould that wasn't meant for me.

And yet, somewhere inside of me, I desire something nostalgic even amid all the hatred and contempt. A part of me recalls the jokes, the companionship, and the moments of delight that were snatched despite the difficulties. The willow trees lined the creek, their branches swaying gently in the breeze, whispering secrets to those willing to listen.

Despite my best efforts to shrug it off, I am unable to ignore the bond I have with this place of residence. It is an integral aspect of who I am, my narrative, and me. Willow Creek serves as a mirror for my history, capturing the suffering and resiliency that have moulded me.

And perhaps, just possibly, returning to Willow Creek has nothing to do with the past. Perhaps it has to do with the future, as Big Daddy said. It was an opportunity for me to redo my tale and give it my own unique touch. To at last become my actual self and escape the stifling mould. To confront the demons of my past and take back my position in this community. Because, after all, this is where I'm from.

I'm happy I had the opportunity to run across Daniela Moretti. I hate to say it, but I wanted that woman all to myself because she was so charming. Despite my warning not to form any sentimental bonds with individuals, there was something about Daniela that kept pulling me in. I was thrilled that my mother felt the same way about her.

Daniela was attractive, her body was truly a temple. Her brown skin...she looked tasty. Her brown skin glistened in the sunlight, and her semi confident stride turned heads wherever she went. She was bewitching.

I was drawn to her in ways words struggle to capture. The shade of her skin reminded me of earth—strong, nurturing, grounded—yet at the same time as wondrous as an untouched beach under a tropical sun. Oh, how I long for her to look at me with those eyes that twinkle with life and see me as someone worth pausing for.

Not only was Reverend Daniela Moretti a large fish to fry, but she was also going to be difficult. Though I wasn't sure if she was attracted to me or other women, I was curious to find out.


As the clock struck midnight, I found myself standing outside of a rundown apartment building, waiting anxiously for my dealer to arrive. I needed to discuss the details of how I wanted my 'merch' to be distributed in order to maximize my profits and for Big Daddy to get his money.

When he finally showed up, I wasted no time getting straight to the point. I laid out my plan in meticulous detail, explaining the specific areas I wanted my product to be sold in and the prices I wanted to charge. My dealer listened attentively, nodding occasionally as I spoke.

"You've been running the Dalton territory for three months now, and I've got to say, your numbers have impressed me. But we need to tighten our grip. Competition's been creeping in from Eastwood. You hearing anything on the streets?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I have. Eastwood's been getting bold, trying to undercut our prices. Pappi grew some balls. Some of my regulars are getting swayed. But don't worry, I'm on it. I've got a couple of ideas to keep them loyal." Benny reassured me.

I scratched behind my head,  "Ideas are good, but action is better. So, spill it – what's your plan?"

 "We start a loyalty program—discounts for regulars and bonuses for big buys. It'll cost us short-term, but once Eastwood and this damn lil Pappi see they can't break our base, they'll back off."

"That's a strategic move; I like it. But remember - no mistakes. We can't show any weakness. This isn't just about sales; it's about sending a message."

"Absolutely. We'll keep it tight and efficient. And speaking of territories, there've been talks of expanding into Arcasia..."

"Arcasia, The northside!? What is Big Daddy thinking? That's risky with the heat from the feds there right now. You think we can handle that expansion without attracting unwanted attention?"

"I've got contacts there who can keep things quiet. Low profile operations - until things cool down with the feds." Benny mentioned

"I need assurance that your contacts are solid—no leaks, no loose ends."

"You've got my word on it. I trust them with my life."

"It's not your life I'm worried about; it's mine and the whole operation's. We can't fuck this up, Benny. We'll proceed with caution - start small and see where it takes us."


I handshook him, "Anyways, thank you Benny."

"Anytime, boss!"

As we talked, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Big Daddy was starting to get greedy, going in Arcasia was too dangerous and the last thing I needed was the feds knocking at my mother's door. I hoped he had an explanation for all of this. I knew that what I was doing was risky and illegal, but the allure of the money was too strong to resist. I tried pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, focusing instead on the potential profits that awaited me. After all, that was just business.

After we had finalized our agreement, I slipped the cash into my dealer's hand and watched as he disappeared into the night. As I made her way home, a sense of unease settled over me. I knew that I was treading dangerous waters, but the promise of easy money was too tempting to walk away from. I had tried.

I had to call Big Daddy and ask why did we have to expand our territory that far. Why the sudden change? Unfortunately, he did not answer, and that meant I had to bring myself to him. Luckily, he was in Willow Creek for his other business endeavours. 


"I need to understand why we're pushing into new territory when we agreed to consolidate our power for now, not expand it." I said to him confused.

"Things change. The opportunity presented itself and we're in a prime position to take advantage." he huffed his cigar.

"But the risk, the unforeseen consequences. We had a plan. Solidifying our current hold was the priority, not opening up new battlefronts."

Leaning back in his chair with an amused look, "See, that's the difference between you and me. You see risks; I see potential. Stability is an illusion—it can crumble any minute if we're not a step ahead."

"Is that what we are now? Gamblers? Our people are stretched thin as it is. They rely on us for direction, not blind leaps!" why the fuck was Big Daddy so inconsiderate?

Nonchalantly swirling the drink in his hand, "They rely on us to expand their horizons, give them more turf, more opportunity for wealth. That's what I'm doing—what we're doing."

"No. It's what YOU are doing! I'm being dragged along without my consent. We don't need more territory; we need to keep control of what we already have." I said with frustration.

Dismissively, "And we will keep control—control through growth. Sometimes you have to take on a little chaos to build an empire. Trust me, or don't... but this conversation is over."

"There will be consequences, ones that even you might not foresee." I murmured.

With a confident grin, "Let them come. In our line of work, consequences are just another word for opportunity."

Then I was nervous. You could never be certain with Big Daddy... clearly, he didn't bring back to Willow Creek with just one intention.

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