familiar world with unfamiliar people - 5

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The young woman, her vibrant red hair cascading down her back in a lustrous cascade of fiery curls, was elegantly styled in a high ponytail that was fastened with a charming blue butterfly-shaped hair clip. Her eyes, like pools of crimson fire.

She wears a simple, light-colored shirt, implying a casual setting or possibly athletic activity.

As she stepped into the brightly lit store, the welcoming sight of the cheerful hum emanating from the refrigerators and the shelves overflowing with various goodies immediately lifted her spirits.

With anticipation bubbling inside her and a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth, she leisurely strolled through the neatly arranged aisles, her eyes dancing from one enticing display to the next.

As she picked up the items and made my way to the cashier to pay, she suddenly realized that her ID was missing. This unexpected discovery left her feeling anxious and flustered as she tried to recall where she might have misplaced it.

She aggressively reach into her pocket, rummaging through its depths with a sense of urgency and determination, desperately hoping to find her ID card.

'I can't believe I forgot my ID, How on earth did that slip my mind?'

After noticing her increasingly anxious behavior, the cashier politely inquired, "Could it be that you've forgotten your ID?" Her situation was undeniably embarrassing. It causing a wave of irritation to wash over her.

Before long, she began to notice people whispering about me 'It seemed like a bunch of cowards who lacked the courage to confront me directly.'

Although she really don't want to head back to the dorm right now, only to have to return shortly after, it seems like the most practical option at the moment.

her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the feeling of a gentle hand resting on her shoulder, pulling her back to the present moment.

She had a sudden realization that the person who had just approached her was none other than her classmate Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." What's happening there" In a moment of misunderstanding, she mistook him for an enemy and blurted out in a mix of surprise and irritation.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I spoke up because I thought there was trouble here," he said as if concern for the situation at hand.

After carefully processing the information provided, she eventually decided to soften her voice, a subtle gesture that reflected her newfound understanding of the circumstances unfolding before her.

"Oh...I forgot my student card"

she confessed with a touch of embarrassment evident in her words, as she glimpsed at her bare hands in a moment of realization.

As disappointment briefly clouded her expression, she resolutely began to make her way towards the dormitories.

"If it's fine with you, I can pay for it now. It'd be troublesome to go back to get it-I don't mind if you use my points" he offered.

A sense of joy washed over her when the boy kindly offered his help.

"... That's true. It's annoying. Good thing you're here, thanks."

".... I'm sudou Kaori "

"Nice to meet you sudou"

Ayanokoji head towards Sakayanagi and Horikita, Horikita was amazed after seeing that short exchange.

"You're a pushover even from the first meeting. Are you going to be her obedient servant? Or is this you trying to impress her?"

"Instead of focusing on impressing her with my actions, my main intention was simply to offer my help and nothing more than that."

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