~03 Asphodelus Albus; The White Asphodel~

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~Asphodelus Albus; The White Asphodel~


This chapter is just backstory and has no LOTR characters.  You can skip this for now but you will be confused when there are mentions of characters from her past.  

Every Chapter with a flower title is a backstory.


What Ahshala disliked about her light sleep was the memories that tended to maneuver their way into her mind.

Ahshala could see the delightful bright-colored stucco homes among the green foliage miles offshore aboard the Damned Rose. The dark wooden Galleon was bustling with sailors hurriedly preparing for a smooth entrance into the port of Palanona. The captain was shouting some gibberish she couldn't understand and his underlings were following his orders, tieng ropes, moving barrels, and shifting sails.

Captain Allister Darren King was an incredibly handsome human man with a chiseled jaw, sharp nose, and long strawberry hair he wore pulled back. He was in his early 30 but his clear, fair skin gave him a much younger appearance. He was dressed very simply in light-colored knickers, a snowy blouse, and a black jacket with blue and gold detailing. If it wasnt for the fact that he was shouting the commands Ahshala wouldn't have known he held any position of authority. His voice was kind and gentle even when it was raised. In her month of travel with the crew members, she had never once seen him yell in anger, which Ahshala found incredibly impressive considering who was part of his crew.

"Holt!" Captain King called to the man by the helm, "Put down the bottle, I need you sober when you guide us into port."

With an angry growl, the dwarf navigator tightened the cap of his hip flask and put both hands on the helm. He was tall for a dwarf, nearly five foot, but just as broad and strong as any of his kin. He had shaved his beard as a symbol of his rebellion from the social norms and chose to wear his dark hair in beaded dreads and tight braids instead of the typical mane. The dark skin on his chest and arms was exposed, giving Ahshala a clear look at the black ink depicting navigational stars and equipment that ran along his forearms and onto his chest. Ahshala had thought that he must have been rebelling against the textile industry as in addition to his gray pants and brown boots the only other article of clothing he wore was a violet vest that was belted around the waist to hold his sword.

The other members of the male crew, such as the rather dim-witted olive-skinned half-orc were all wearing shirts, pants, and boots of modest colors. Many had colorful beads and scarves to decorate their simple attire and tattoos that they proudly wore.

Only two other females were aboard the ship. The crews' boatswain, and the carpenter.

The teifling woman was sitting by the bow beside Ahshala humming a drinking song and bobbing her head to the simple beat. Lucie Sherman was by far the most loud, bubbly, and annoying woman Ahshala had ever met. Her voice rang clear and bright like the salty sea breeze that blew across the main deck. She wore rather plain colored bottoms and boots and a thin covering across her bust. Belted at the waist was a blouse that was only ever on one shoulder. She never felt like she needed colorful clothing, after all her short blush hair and carmine skin drew all the attention and gave her the nickname "Pinky." She wore a few pieces of gold jewelry in her Long ears, two rings on her left horn, and one on the end of her thin arrow-shaped tail.

The final woman was standing by the captain's side. She, like her husband, was incredibly beautiful. Araminta Maria Barbara Sophia Rosa Nora Martina Sara Alba India Daniella Lola Ines Zaragoza King III was a woman as intimidating as her name. Like most water Genasi her dewy skin was as green as the water of the Moralina Bay. Her pierced webbed ears poked through her stormy hair adorned with all manner of beads and coins. Her blue-eyed husband rested his hand on her strong shoulders and smiled as he gazed into her dark eyes. She wasn't looking at him, instead, her strong gaze pushed across the deck like a thundering wave. Her presence was enough to send a shiver down Ahshala's spine.

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