~11 A Rotund Rodent~

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~The Rotund Rodent~

Most of the fellowship remained in Rivendell For the months and a half before the leaving date but Ahshala and Aragorn had traversed the northern wilderness with their tribe of rangers to gather intel. Aragorn had initially protested but he could see the restlessness rack Ahshala's frame. Even in the beautiful Elven city with its lush gardens and wonderful water features, she felt like a fly in molasses; trapped, slowly sinking in the sweet sugar the moment she tried to rest. It was suffocating.

Their journey with the rangers had been a fruitful trip, they were able to map northern orc activity and catch and kill a few spies of Saruman sending messages to their northern brethren. It also gave the druid plenty of time to soothe her itch in peace.

Having packed her bag the night before Ahshala was ready surprisingly early so she wandered around Rivendell. She found herself near the base of the cliff towers and the large elven woman chiseled into the cliffside who sat pouring water into the three-layered basins below. The woman depicted in the stone was some figure whom Ahshala couldn't remember the name of. Her tears of grief blessed the valley to never run dry which Ahshalal found mildly interesting.

This was the same fountains the dwarves had bathed in, jumping off stone ledges and using the curved basin as a waterslide.

She had only heard of the incident from Lord Elrond who had questioned her involvement with the dwarven legion.

Like most of the Elves in Rivendell Lord Elrond was puzzled by the druid. She looked very different from the elves of Middle Earth save for her slim features and straight nose. Her ears were far too long, her hair was too bushy, and her skin rather dark, yet she knew Sindarin and was some kind of elf. Still, he and his people had welcomed her with open arms.

"Lady Urican," greeted a feminine voice, "You seem to find yourself in danger once more."

Ahshala smiled as she turned to meet the fair face of Lord Elrond's daughter, Arwen. She was dressed in light elven robes with a round collar that should have shown the silver necklace she wore. No matter, she still stood tall and regal as an eagle in the bows of an oak tree.

The maiden seemed to float towards the Druid and the two enveloped each other in a bright hug before Arwen rested her slender hands on the cool stone.

"It's always Gandalf," Ahshala said absentmindedly, moving her legs to the rhythm in her mind over the cascading waters below, "He always finds a way to get me into trouble."

"That he does." Arwen agreed with a small smile. "But it is not all bad, you shall have Aragorn with you."

A small smile slid onto Arwen's peony lips at the mention of the dark-haired ranger. Ahshala took notice and she too smiled. Aragorn had grown rather desperate to see the fair woman during the rangers' travels north and she guessed Arwen had felt the same. The smiles were fleeting as Arwen frowned and Ahshala could easily guess the cause of her concern.

"He will be alright." Ahshala offered with confidence.

"We have been together again for such little time."

"He is not leaving to be away from you." The druid chuckled, "That is the last thing he wants!"

"It is only that this quest..." Arwen didn't want to say what she was thinking

"Is a suicide mission." Ahshala could say it, so she did. Arwen grew visibly upset and the lively lake below her oak brow grew shadowy and dull. "It is not his intention, he goes to protect the young hobbit and the world."

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