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Monday, January 22

6:30 p.m.

Today is Monday, and a new week begins. I've done pretty much everything for today, classes, school work, and I drink my favorite milk!

It's been about two weeks since me and wakatoshi have talked things out, we feel much more comfortable being around each other now. The gloomy air has gone away.

"Alright ladies listen up." Our coach Katsu called out.

We stopped our soccer practice. we've been practicing on passing the ball because that's one thing we all lack. We have trouble figuring out who to pass it to and when should be the right time.

"As you all know this month is about to end and we have to cooperate with our daily cleaning operations, and half the list was gone because I was waiting for the hard ones." She smiles.

All the girls groan in annoyance at their coach's decisions.

"Sorry." She slightly bows. "But we have an important match tomorrow, if we win you know what that means!" She yells.

"Spring nationals!" The girl cheers.

That is true, if we win tomorrow will be going to spring nationals.

"But we will be playing with the ankle breakers, the girls that show no mercy when it comes to wining and we will be prepared to take them down, we have been practicing well, we've done lots of practice matches and I've seen a great deal of progress in every. Single. One of you girls." She cheers us.

"Thank you, coach." We bow.

The ankle breakers? I've been practicing hard these past two weeks to avoid any type of injuries and to be prepared against them.

Worry and fear ran down my body, scared of getting hurt in one of the most important matches of all time.

The sound of my arm breaking rings in my ear. My breathing becomes rapid, unable to control it. Booing echoes through my ears.

I read the score 24-24

If I miss this it's all over, we lost.

"Y/n! All yours." Amaya yells tossing the ball to me.

I trip over the floor but I quickly made it to the spot shit!. I watched the ball carefully and when I was about to hit it my arm let out the most terrifying sound. I couldn't spike it.

I let it... drop.

I fell on my back unable to feel the pain that was running down my body, my arm feeling like it was burning in pain.

"You idiot!" Akuni yells in anger.

I slowly got up, trying to control the pain that was running through my body.

"I- I can't feel my right hand." I breathe out.

I looked around but everything was blurry.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘈𝘤𝘦 / 𝘜𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘫𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘞𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now