Chapter 5

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Nathalie sits on the bathroom floor with her face buried in her knees. She's sobbing uncontrollably, trying her hardest to be as silent as possible, she doesn't want to wake Gabriel up.

What is she going to do?
What will Gabriel say?
Will he blame her?
Will he hate her?

Nathalie is in complete disbelief. She has never been more petrified in her entire life. She doesn't know how she'll deliver this news to Gabriel. She is so afraid of his reaction.


Nathalie had never really thought about having children, but she always believed that if she ever had children it would be with a man that was in love with her. A man that she could start a family with, and be happy with. A man that would want her, and want to have a baby with her.

Not with Gabriel Agreste, he's a man in love with his wife. He's a man that loves his wife so much that he even tried to beat death itself, and bring her back. Gabriel Agreste is a man that only slept with her because he was drunk. He doesn't love her, and she thinks he never will.

Nathalie has always prided herself in being an intelligent woman, but now she thinks she's just a fool.

A fool, pregnant with a child of a man that probably doesn't want anything to do with it.


"How did I let this happen?" She desperately asks herself.

The idea of contraception hadn't even crossed her mind at all. She was so consumed with what they had done that her mind completely fogged, and she completely failed to remember about it.

"I'm an idiot." She thinks to herself as she softly cries.

As she is silently sobbing a sudden knock on the door startles her to her core, it's Gabriel.

"Nathalie, are you okay in there?" His voice is so soft and free of judgment that she thinks that maybe he won't take the news so badly.

"I'm sorry, I must've fallen back to sleep, and left you in there alone for too long." How are you doing in there?"

"I'm feeling....better, I'll be out in a moment." Her voice is literally trembling, she has no idea how she just spoke those words.

"Are you sure? ... you sound...." He's not able to complete his sentence because she immediately interrupts him.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. Just give me a few minutes." Nathalie hurries to her feet, and takes the pregnancy test, and shoves it in the bag that the store employee put it in, and then quickly places it under the sink.

She washes her hands and face trying her best to look decent.


When Nathalie finally exits the bathroom she finds Gabriel sitting on the armchair in the corner of the bedroom.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep." He says in an apologetic voice. "How are you feeling?"

"It's okay, and I'm feeling a little better." She tries to reassure him.

He looks at her, he's looking at her for too long actually.
Nathalie suddenly begins to feel extremely self conscious about her appearance. She feels that maybe he could see right through her.

When she's about to speak he finally says, "Are you sure you don't want to visit a doctor, just to be sure that it's nothing serious?"

"I'm sure, besides I've told you that I feel better. She softly utters to him.


It's late when he begins to prepare dinner. He thinks that chicken noodle soup is a good idea since Nathalie is ill, but the thought of food just makes her stomach turn all over again.

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