Chapter 15

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Nathalie sits on the hospital bed, with her baby boy in between her arms, and latched on her left breast. She looks at him with all the adoration in the world, as she feels the greatest love she has ever felt in her life. She listens to his little grunts as he fills his tiny belly, and her heart melts with such deep affection.

There's sweat dripping down her forehead, and fresh tears staining her cheeks. Labor and birth were draining, but having her son in between her arms makes her know that it was all worth it.

He's so small, and he almost feels like a feather in her arms. His hair is so dark and soft, his face so puffy and pink, and his hands are so very tiny that they almost look unreal. She cannot fathom how something so perfect and pure came out of her, and the thought alone causes her tears to fall once again.


Nathalie feels Gabriel's hand gently brush her cheek as her tears run down her eyes. His hands are so warm and gentle and she feels so grateful for his support and comfort. She looks at her baby for a bit longer, and then finally meets Gabriel's soft gaze.

They look at each other with love and affection, as Gabriel's hand abandons her cheek and very gently begins to run his fingers through their son's hair.

"He's perfect, Nathalie, thank you." He says in a soft voice.
Nathalie turns and looks at her son as she hears Gabriel's words, and truly sees the pureness of the angel in between her arms. She looks up at Gabriel once more as she begins to speak,
"I couldn't have done this without you, Gabriel. Thank you for being here with me." Her voice is soft and oddly raspy and there's so much emotion in it as she speaks.
Gabriel shakes his head at her words, finding her gratitude unnecessary, Nathalie shouldn't need to thank him for his presence, he is the one that will be eternally grateful for her kindness and sympathy.
For giving him another son, and allowing him to be by her side. She is an angel, and he will forever be grateful towards her.

As Gabriel watches their son satiate his hunger, and Nathalie trace her fingers across the soft skin of his cheeks, he thinks about the amazing woman she is. He thinks she is absolutely astonishing and breathtaking. The way she went through this entire pregnancy and then birth, allows him to view how magnificent she is.

Gabriel has always thought of Nathalie as a strong woman. So resilient, able to withstand difficult situations. He saw firsthand how the broken peacock miraculous had hurt and affected her, but she was able to stay strong during those difficult times. She never brought herself low, even when he could see her being hurt by it, she always stood up strong. And it's true, she is strong and resilient, but seeing her give birth to their son makes him realize that she is almost close to perfection itself.


When they arrived at the hospital, the nurse had said that Nathalie was almost fully dilated, and that it was too late for an epidural. Nathalie was aware that this could happen. Having suffered from preterm labor would make her more prone to a speedy labor once it was time for her baby to be born. Because of this, Nathalie was obligated to experience labor at its fullest, and she did an amazing job. The way she handled each contraction, and held his hand, with such force when she pushed their baby out was incredible.

As soon as their son had abandoned his mother's insides, the nurse had immediately pulled Nathalie's hospital gown down, and placed him on her chest. Their baby boy cried and screamed with all his might, and with all his force, and Nathalie ran her lips over his slimy hair, as Gabriel pressed a firm kiss to her temple. Her hair stuck to her forehead as sweat fell from her hairline, then she found his eyes, and he could see all the emotion her blue eyes carried.


Emotion builds up in his chest once more as he recalls what they recently experienced. Gabriel watches her, and thinks she looks so beautiful, ethereal almost, and he believes he is more in love with her than he has ever been. Gabriel looks at her and their tiny baby, and knows that this is what he wants, knows that Nathalie and his sons are his future now. That this is his family now. He feels so very complete with the woman he loves and his children. And he is thankful for this opportunity, thankful for a second chance.

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