Chapter 12 Improvements

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Thereafter, the days passed in a routine.

Connor completed all of his training, and responsibilities during the day, and each night he was hard at work in the workshop. Sometimes alone, and sometimes under Victor's watchful eye.

He'd always been incredibly fit, but with the renewed zeal he applied to his training, his strength, speed, and stamina all increased vastly.

He trained with every weapon, using his sense-heightening potion to help him correct his own mistakes.

Victor was always a relentless font of criticism, but now Connor was too focused on improving to really notice or care. With his enhanced senses, he corrected his own mistakes almost as quickly as he made them.

His archery, swordsmanship, and even his lock picking skills improved at a terrifying speed.

He used the sense-heightening potion as a tool and not a crutch. Even without it, his skills carried over to his sparring sessions with Adelia.

The only time he got any sleep was when Victor dragged him away from the workshop, or when he passed out over his codex.

He devoured knowledge, yet remained hungry for more like a ravenous monster.

He learned more about alchemical circles. Most were only needed for more advanced projects, but Victor insisted that Connor start learning them all from the start.

Connor didn't complain a single time as he knelt on the floor for hours, drawing the diagrams with chalk until he knew them down to the finest detail from memory. However, he quickly learned to kneel on a cushion while spending hours drawing on the hard floor.

He continued making The Potion of Heightened Senses and slowly built up a stockpile, and Victor taught him how to channel his alchemy without the use of a circle, or a heat source.

Connor sat in front of spider eyes, goblin skin, and powdered bat teeth for hours, refining them cold until his alchemy sputtered out and he slumped over the workbench.

It was exhausting work, and he didn't get any potions out of it, but he could already feel that it was getting easier for him to use his alchemy powers.

He looked forward to making potions without the aid of a circle.

He felt his alchemy growing stronger and more powerful, and his control had already improved by leaps and bounds.

Once more, he was down in the workshop after a full day of training, working on more sense-enhancing potions.

It was easier to make them now than it had been at the start, and the potions were getting more powerful too.

Soon, it would be time to try making Beginner level potions. He already had his eye on a minor strength potion. It wouldn't give him godlike strength or anything, but even a small boost to his strength could be useful in a pinch.

The potion bubbled, and red lightning crackled and snapped from his fingers into the boiling liquid. He pulled apart the essences and reformed them, and finally, he had another batch of the sweet, turquoise liquid.

He turned off the heat source, waited for it to stop bubbling, and poured it into the vials he had ready and waiting.

He yawned and clambered up the stairs. Time to get some sleep.

Not five seconds after leaving Victor's office, Adelia rushed up to him out of nowhere. "There you are! It's time for our match!" she said.

"What? But it's the middle of—" he started, but sunlight streamed in through the window behind her.

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