Chapter 33 Interrogation

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Connor leaned back in his chair. His eyelids were heavy, his bones ached, and he was starving.

"Could we get something to eat while we wait?" he asked.

"A good idea," Korvac said, "we might as well not waste time twiddling our thumbs." Korvac stepped out and ordered one of his men to bring them food.

It didn't take long before huge platters piled high with food were delivered to them.

Connor devoured everything he could. He didn't worry much about being poisoned. Victor's paranoia seemed to have rubbed off on Korvac, and he seemed to be on their side.

More than that though... he felt like if he didn't eat soon, his body would start eating him alive from the inside out to fuel Panacea's magic.

He felt like he hadn't eaten in weeks. He stuffed his face, but even after several courses of food, he was still hungry.

When he finally looked up from his food, he found everyone staring at him.

A young woman entered the office and bowed. "The wizard has arrived, Guild Master," she said.

"Well then," Korvac said, "shall we see what our dear friend has to share with us?"

Connor grabbed a few sandwiches on his way out.

Korvac's eyes went wide. "Where do you put all that?" he asked.

"What can I say? I'm a growing lad," Connor said.

He didn't want to mention anything about the divine magic working on him. He'd never heard of Panacea making deals for healing someone in her temple before.

It wasn't like he'd ever been much of one for worshiping the gods and goddesses. Maybe it was more common? It still didn't sound like what little he'd heard of Panacea in the stories.

Until he knew more about the deal Adelia had made, he didn't want anyone else to know about it.

They walked down the stairs into the basement. Several men were packing illegal goods into the false bottoms of barrels, but what caught Connor's eye was the woman. The very same one who'd left Korvac's office when he and Adelia had met with him the other day.

She wore an elegant red dress and stood with her arms folded, impatiently tapping a blood-red fingernail against her flawless, pale skin.

Her black hair was tied back into a bun with a hairpin to keep it in place, and not a strand of hair dared to defy her will.

Her facial features were exotic and distinctive, no doubt from one of the kingdoms far to the East. Her beauty made her look almost elven, but from her rounded ears, it was clear that she was indeed human.

She looked regal and utterly out of place in the cellar of a thieves guild.

Yet, if she was nervous or uncomfortable, she didn't show it.

"You've kept me waiting, Korvac," she said in a haughty voice with a slight accent.

"You only arrived a minute ago, Maya," Korvac said.

She held up her hand. "Time is money. I understand you have need of my services with an interrogation? I hope I needn't repeat my warnings about the dangers of mental magic... and the costs," she said.

"There's no need for that, and I'm prepared to pay your exorbitant fees," Korvac said.

"Very well," she said without arguing the point about her prices, "let us proceed."

Korvac pulled one of the sconces. A section of wall slid away, revealing a long passageway.

Anguished cries filled the basement, coming from the dungeon.

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