Chapter 26 Assistance

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Despite taking precautions to make sure they weren't followed, it didn't take long before they were standing in Connor's home.

"Nice place," Vadik said, "I didn't know you had a house."

"Hopefully they don't either," Connor said.

"So are you going to tell me what this is all about now?" Vadik asked.

Connor took the time to tell Vadik everything.

He told Vadik even more than he'd told Korvac. Vadik was his friend, and he trusted him.

Besides, he needed his help.

As capable as the thieves working for Korvac might be, Connor knew deep down that finding his uncle was going to come down to the three of them.

"He was dead?" Vadik said after Connor told him about how they were ambushed at the docks.

"Yes," Connor said, "they must have found out. Are you certain there's no way they might have tied it back to you? Do you think your cover is blown?"

"I don't think so..." Vadik said, "I was extremely careful, but you can never be completely sure of anything."

"Let's hope your cover is intact then," Connor said, "everything might just depend on that."

Connor filled in Vadik on everything else that had happened. What little they knew about The Syndicate. Victor's disappearance. Chamberlain Davison's power play, and though he hated to give away his secret again, he told Vadik about his alchemy.

They were going to be using his home as a base of operations, and Vadik was bound to go down into the basement at some stage anyway.

This way, he didn't have to worry about trying to keep it a secret from his friends while also trying to rescue Victor.

Victor would be furious, but he could yell all he wanted after they found and rescued him. Until then, he didn't need the distraction of trying to keep secrets from the people he depended on.

"So Davison is probably working with The Syndicate? I guess that explains why he put the contract out on you," Vadik said.

"I still don't get why he put one out on Adelia though," Connor said, "or why he wants us alive."

"He knows you two are friends," Vadik said, "and maybe he wants the pleasure of killing you himself? He never did like you."

"I suppose that could be it," said Connor, "it just seems too simple though."

"That's because you're overthinking it," Vadik said with a laugh, "So let me get this straight. Victor is missing, presumed taken by some group calling themselves The Syndicate. The Chamberlain has the palace out to get you, and you want my help to break into The Shadowcloaks' headquarters, while the great assassin over here tracks down where all these slaves are going?"

"That's the gist of it," Connor said.

"I'll tell you one thing. Life with you is never boring," Vadik said. He ran a hand through his perfect golden hair, leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"I can probably get you inside the building. Provided my cover is still intact, and they don't murder us the second we step through the door..." he said.

"That's very comforting," Connor said.

"Actually, we'll be lucky if they just kill us. Bvorn tortures people for days if he even suspects them of betraying him. If they kill us, that'll be the easy part," Vadik said, "Bvorn is more paranoid than Korvac knows. What's more, his office is locked up tight with a magical lock, and Bvorn is the only one with a key."

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