Chapter 14 Chasing Shadows

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After a day of bed rest, he felt better physically, though still not great.

The ache of being barred from the workshop, however, hadn't diminished at all.

He poured the vials of improper strength potion down the sink and watched the murky liquid dribble down the drain.

He gritted his teeth and flung the vials against the bathroom wall. They shattered, sending fragments of glass everywhere.

How could he be so stupid!

He bent over the sink and glared at his own reflection. He snarled at the fool that had done this to him. The idiot that had betrayed his promise to Victor.

The one that kept him from his alchemy...

He punched his image. The mirror cracked, and blood trickled down his fist.

How could he be so reckless? He finally had a path... the thing his soul had yearned for all these years... and he'd just thrown it away!

He'd give anything to take that back...

He sighed and shook his head.

What was he doing now? Having a tantrum like a child? Yeah. That'd get Victor to let him back into the workshop for sure...

He picked fragments of glass out of his knuckles and ran water over his wound before cleaning and dressing it.

If he wanted to practice alchemy again, he needed to prove to Victor that he'd learned his lesson. That he could be trusted.

Despite still not feeling fantastic, he went down to the training room. He needed to take his mind off it, and to get back on his uncle's good side...

He used a Potion of Heightened Senses from the stockpile he'd built up and went through his sword forms.

If he could just show Victor how hard he was working and how much this meant to him...

With his sharpened senses, he easily heard footsteps drawing closer. Had Victor changed his mind? He turned to face them as they approached the doorway.

It was Chamberlain Davison with a pack of his loyal guards.

Connor's expression soured. What now?

Still... Victor no doubt heard everything that happened in the manor...

"How can I help you today?" Connor said as politely as he could manage.

Chamberlain Davison sneered and ignored him.

Great. This was going so well already.

Victor came around the corner with his own contingent of guards. They just happened to outnumber The Chamberlain and his cronies.

Chamberlain Davison pointed one of his sausage-fingers at Connor. "Why is he allowed to walk freely?" he asked.

Connor ground his teeth. "Is there some reason I should be bound?" he asked.

No sooner had the words left his mouth than he regretted them. Twelve hells! What was he thinking? Bickering with The Chamberlain wasn't going to win him any points with Victor, but the man was just so infuriating!

"You assaulted me!" Chamberlain Davison shrieked.

"Assaulted you?" Connor asked, "if I'd assaulted you, you'd be dead."

"And now he threatens me! Do you see?" said Chamberlain Davison.

Connor's hand tightened on the hilt of his sword. "I wasn't threatening you, I was stating a fact you sniveling—"

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