Chapter 42 Loyalty

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Once they'd settled into their quarters, the three of them returned to Korvac's office where a stack of files awaited them.

Everything Korvac had on the men and women who worked for him.

After spending days going through Bvorn's documents, they weren't exactly thrilled to spend even more time combing through papers.

Thankfully, this time Korvac was there to give them the code to the documents, so reading them was significantly easier.

Even so, they had hundreds to go through. Illyian arrived not long after they started, and brought a small stack of files with him.

"Unfortunately, most of my men are either not suited for fighting, or are too damned far away to get here in time. So, most of the people will have to come from the guild I'm afraid," Illyian said.

They all busied themselves in going through each file carefully. Connor particularly wanted those with a grudge against The Syndicate, so anyone that had lost friends or family to the slavers was a prime target for the mission.

He wanted them motivated, and willing to make any sacrifice. He also felt he could trust them more if they had suffered because of The Syndicate.

He needed skilled people, but loyalty came first.

They ruled out more than half of the people outright, and Connor wanted to interview those that remained.

Not that he was going to let them know he was planning anything, or that they were even being interviewed.

Everything was kept absolutely secret, between only the five of them. Although, they planned to talk with Maya once she arrived.

"She wasn't in the best of moods after what happened before, but she'll be here," Korvac assured them.

They didn't waste time waiting for her though.

Adelia and Connor circled around and talked to each one under the guise of making sure they were settling in through this rough period with so many packed into the guild for safety.

Talking to Illyian's men without giving anything away proved more difficult, but they managed.

Connor used his sense-heightening potion to help him analyze and read the people he spoke with. Adelia helped him, and together, they didn't miss much.

They made sure to speak to people they had no intention of bringing along, just to make what they were doing seem more routine than it was. No doubt some would feel that something was going on, but even then nobody but them should know what.

While they were doing that Vadik, Korvac, and Illyian dug into the pasts of all those who might be joining them for the mission to see if there were any irregularities.

They were thieves, bounty hunters, and assassins, so it wasn't as if everything they did was above board in the first place. Even so, they picked out a few that seemed... off.

They couldn't prove that they were involved with The Syndicate, but that didn't matter.

If there was any doubt whatsoever, it was better to exclude them.

They couldn't allow anyone or anything to jeopardize the operation.

When Connor wasn't interviewing people without their knowledge, he was drawing up plans, maps, and diagrams of everything he'd seen of the facility from memory for the others to study.

He wanted them to be as prepared as possible when the day to rescue Victor finally came.


After another full day of work, Connor took a break and went down to the armory.

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