Chapter 28 Bvorn's Office

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They climbed one set of stairs, and then another until they were on the second floor and standing in front of the door to Bvorn's office with nobody in sight.

"I still think it's weird he doesn't have anyone guarding his office," Connor said.

"What for?" Vadik asked, "only you are freaky enough to get through enchanted locks so easily."

Connor dug in his bottomless bag and pulled out a vial of Minor Potion of Magic Sight.

"Let's hope this works," he muttered, "bottoms up."

He drank the potion and waited for the effects to kick in.

A thief walked past, with a casual nod at Vadik.

Once the man was out of sight, Connor knelt down at the lock and Vadik casually leaned against the wall beside him.

Connor focused on the lock, and it lit up in a brilliant array of color.

It was far less complex and intense than the magic in his codex, and he pulled down his own magic into his lockpicks.

He could see now how he shaped his magic, and as he brought his picks to the lock, he saw how the magic repelled them.

Being able to see the magic made it much easier to get his own magic to click into place with the magic in the lock.

Once that was done, the mechanical aspect of the lock proved no challenge at all.

In less than a minute, the lock opened with a satisfying click.

"Good luck," Vadik whispered.

Connor slipped inside Bvorn's office and closed the door behind him. He left it unlocked so he could get out faster when he was done.

Bookcases covered the walls, each filled with books, files, and loose papers. A desk rested in the center of the room with more papers piled like towers on top.

"What a mess," Connor muttered.

It would take forever to go through everything here, and he didn't even know what he was looking for!

There just wasn't time to be discrete about this...

He picked up stack after stack of papers and stuffed them into his bottomless bag, clearing out whole shelves at a time.

Once they got out of here, they could go over everything as much as they wanted. Bvorn would know he'd been burgled the second he saw the room, but what choice did Connor have?

At least this way, there was a hope of finding a clue that might lead them to Victor...

Connor moved swiftly, yet quietly and in minutes he'd taken everything off the shelves and the desk. Anything that might be even remotely useful.

A faint flicker of light on the wall caught his eye.

He looked closer. Something glowed softly beneath a painting mounted on the wall. He lifted the painting up and off, revealing a hidden safe.

He smirked. Simple, but effective.

He'd nearly missed it in his frantic search. Ironically, the enchantments meant to make it more secure had been the thing to give it away.

He focused more on the safe, and it lit up in a pattern of swirling lights more complex than the magic in the door.

From what he could see, the magic in the safe was all woven together. It looked like getting through the lock would disable the other enchantments.

He couldn't tell what the enchantments were, but whatever they did, he didn't want to set them off.

He pulled his magic down into his picks once again and held them slightly away from the lock. He focused and molded his magic to fit the lock.

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