Chapter 37 Factory Floor

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"I still think it's crap that we get stuck on guard duty. Did you hear how much Gretchen's group made on that last delivery?" said one of the guards.

"Oh not this again," said another guard.

"No, I'm serious," said the first guard, "We spend all night walking around in circles, and for what? Do you know how much we could make if they gave us a real job like they give to some of the others?"

"I'm much happier guarding a place that never gets attacked. So what if the pay is lower? Can't spend coin if you're dead," said a third guard.

They continued talking as they sauntered by. When they were far enough, Connor let out a breath and continued his climb.

He paused under the open window and listened.

The guards on the factory grounds had been easy to spot, but no matter how good his eyesight was, he couldn't see through stone. He had no idea what could be lying in wait inside.

It was best to be cautious.

He closed his eyes and focused his full awareness on hearing what awaited him. With his attention on it, his hearing expanded. He heard the patrols all around the courtyard, but nothing from inside the factory.

Only the gentle groan of old metal and the whisper of a night breeze streaming through the open window.

The next patrol was already on the way, and he didn't want to chance not being seen here a second time, so he climbed up and through the open window.

He dropped down from the window and landed with a soft clang on a catwalk above the factory floor.

Moonlight streamed in around him, and he instinctively crept away from it and into the darkness.

Although he'd heard nothing to suggest there were any guards inside, he still took a moment to study the factory with his keen vision.

A layer of glistening white dust exactly like the powder on the documents from Bvorn's safe covered everything in the factory. Not even the rafters were spared.

It burned his sensitive nostrils with every breath, and he suppressed a sneeze.

Endless rows of workbenches covered the factory floor with items of all kinds in various stages of the enchantment process. Tools for engraving runes lay beside them, and the air practically vibrated with magic.

The factory floor was massive, and doors of all shapes and sizes led off in every direction.

He held back a sigh. It was going to be a long night.

He combined the directions the doors led in with what he'd seen of the factory outside and noted possible escape routes.

He still didn't see any guards, but that could change.

He slunk down the stairs and stepped onto the factory floor. A cloud of dust rose up, and he coughed.

His throat itched and his nose burned with every breath. He pulled his cloth mask up tighter over the bottom half of his face.

No wonder that dust was on the documents Bvorn had. It got everywhere. How did the people who worked here deal with it all the time?

He couldn't imagine anyone getting used to this stuff.

He decided to try out the doors leading deeper into the factory first. If this was a front, then it made sense to have the entrance as far away from where people might stumble upon it as possible.

Of all the cities in Lestria, Vigil was perhaps the harshest on slavery. They'd be fools to run the risk of a stray city guard or an ignorant worker coming across it.

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