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Here after Ishan reached the hotel everyone went to their rooms leaving him alone to fight with his inner turmoil. He  lay on the bed and watched the ceiling with empty eyes. Nothing in this world makes him want to live except his friends who stood beside him in everything.

Why am I such a disgrace? God why did you make me like this? I was a happy child. But what suddenly happened? Why are mumma and papa hating me? Don't i deserve them? Why can't I be happy for a single day... Why did everything turn out like this? What did I do wrong? Being like this is not my fault. I didn't ask for this and being like this isn't wrong. Why do people have to think we do not deserve happiness? Why do people think we are not normal? We are also humans.... Ishan was crying thinking everything.

Everything around him hurts. The people who he used to love are hating him. The people who thought he was a blessing are the same people now thinking he is a disgrace. The place who he used to call home became hell for him.

Please god I can't take this anymore please do something please take this pain away please I beg you he sobbed joining his hands praying to God to take away his misery. He is too tired to even think that one day everything will be alright.

Shubman's side.

Shubman reached the warehouse. He came out of the car and went inside the building with his bodyguards and his one of the most trusted men jade beside him.

Walking in the hallway he could hear the groans and cursing of the person which made him smirk in satisfaction oh you poor soul he tched thinking that. Once upon reaching the room the guards opened the door making a way for him to go.

He entered the room and saw dino tied up in a chair and a cloth around his eyes blinding him not to see where they were taking him during the kidnap. He smiled sinisterly looking at the state of dino. A guard came with a chair and placed it behind for him to sit. He sat on the chair and put his right leg on his left one looking like the king of danger that he himself is.

Abre el ojo (open his eye fold) he commanded one of his men and a man went to dino and opened his blind fold making him blink his eyes rapidly by the sudden blinding brightness. He looked around.

¿Quiénes sois cabrones? ¿Por qué me trajisteis aquí? (Who are you fuckers why did you bring me here) He yelled struggling in the chair to free himself from the ropes.

Hola mi querido dino (hello my dear dino) shubman's dark voice silenced dino as he turned to see the devil himself sitting on a chair in front of him with a sweet sickening smile that sent shivers down his spine.

Pr-incipe dino whispered and shubman raised his brow smirking he is enjoying this too much. And poor dino was on the verge of losing his mind. He knew he fucked up the moment he thought to cheat on prince but his greed self couldn't stop himself from doing the deed which made him end up here.

¿Cómo estás Dino? (How are you Dino?) Dino shivered at the sweet tone. Prince being the sweetest in times like  this is not good for him. He saw too many scenes like this before but he never thought he would end up being in one of them.

Contéstame Dino (answer me dino)  dino didn't know what he could say right now. Being in the presence of shubman all dino wants to do is run away as much as possible. But he knows there is no way for him. Being in the den of the prince is like being trapped in a death trap.
He shows no mercy when it comes to betrayal.

Contéstame avutarda (answer me you bastard) dino flinched when shubman yelled with red eyes glaring at him.  He started to shiver under his gaze.

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