Untitled Part 8

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                                                                                   The Stranger
"Outside lights Hector" shouted Lara Cummings. Everyone moved to the side of the ship where the voice had been heard. And there on a grassy bank waving as if they should know who he was stood a man looking every bit like themselves. "Should we open the doors? asked Billy Smart, the nervous expression on his face suggested he was against the manoeuvre. "Look around the ship" said Otto Van Brugger, "There may be more" But there was no more, the still waving man was on his own. Major Troy Brask took the lead. "We must find out who he is and where he has come from, it would seem we are not the only ones on this Planet" The large shutter door was slowly opened and the ramp released to the ground below. They watched as the stranger walked slowly to the base of the ramp and began to ascend. "Hello" he said in a loud manly voice. "My name is Rogan, I mean you no harm" He looked like and sounded like an earthling, but what was he doing here. "Come forward you are welcome" said Otto Van Brugger, " The spokesman for our group" He held out his hand, but there was no handshake. "You can understand our confusion at finding human life, especially a mirror of ourselves so far from our own earth Planet" said Otto, "Can you please explain? The Stranger walked around, in every way  looking as if he had been here before. "As I have said" he began, "My name is Rogan. I am from the Planet known to us as Morena from a Galaxy far beyond where we stand in Andromeda. I, and some of my people visited your Earth Planet almost two hundred of your earth years ago. Mixing with your people for a short time we realised that the Planets lifetime was coming to an end as it was drawn closer and closer to the Sun. This I am afraid is the destiny of all Planets, inhabited or otherwise. Calculating that this was the nearest inhabitable world to your own we decided to pre-empt your arrival and help with your adjustment to your new surroundings. With that in mind when the sun rises in the morning I would like to show you what we have arranged, I think it will please you" Mbeki Omani was first to break the silence born of astonishment, "Do you expect us to believe that you have travelled to earth, a journey that has taken us thirty five years" he said, "Undetected you have lived amongst us, although I do appreciate the similarity. You have in some way monitored the lifestyle of a seven billion population and carried these facts thirty five years into the future to await our arrival. Excuse me Mr Ronan but it sounds ridiculous" Ronan was emotionless. "Our form of travel" he began, "Is not your form of travel. We move in time and our culture is light years in advance of your own. I could stand here debating the rights and wrongs of the Universes, but with your limited understanding and my greater knowledge, at no point would we meet. Therefore all I ask is that you choose a party of ten to accompany me in the morning and what I have to show you will say much more than words" And with this and once again no handshakes, he left New Horizons and wandered out into the cold night.
The following morning just as the sun appeared he was once again on the grassy embankment. Following various arguments lasting well into the night, it was decided that it would be ridiculous not to examine this mans claims, after all what could they lose. There seemed to be only a gain in prospect, and with this in mind a team of five men and five women led by John Blackmore was assembled. Otto Van Brugger would stay behind to administer his calming influence on an already very nervous group. As they descended the ramp expecting to be greeted by Ronan, he just turned and walked quietly on ahead. They walked in the opposite direction from the river towards an area never explored by the group. John Blackmore estimated that they had covered six and a half miles when suddenly Ronan came to a stand still. "What I have to show you is just over this hill" he said, "Do you have your looking glasses with you? he asked. Robert Ambati displayed his Binoculars. Ronan followed a well trodden foot path for around three hundred yards to the top of the hill. It was Winter and the Clouds were low forming a mist over the valley. There was nothing to be seen. "The mist will clear" said Ronan, "Prepare your eye-glasses" John Blackmore was handed the Binoculars by Mbeki Omani as the mist began to clear. Waiting for the right moment he put them to his eyes. His still statuesque figure caused alarm amongst the group. "What do you see? asked Troy Brask. "I see a Town in Mid America" he answered, now handing Troy the glasses. "What the hell" he said, "How on earth did that get here? "We built the Town in an American style to welcome you to your new home" said Ronan, "Although sadly it is two hundred years out of date. There is a similar Town modelled on your European and Asian cultures not two mile away, come and take a look" The ten followed Ronan as before from a short distance and in no time were standing on the edge of the US Town. "Look" said Han's Becker, "There are rows of shops, clothes, Cafeterias, Food Stores and even Bar's" As they ventured further they found Apartment accommodation, a Medical Practice and a Chemist. On the outskirts of Town fields had been ploughed ready for planting although at the moment a thin layer of frost hardened the ground. "Hey" shouted one of the group, "There is a Barn over there with live cow's and chickens, how can this be? "You must have been many people here to carry out this work? said John Blackmore, turning to face Ronan. "Of course you are correct John Blackmore" he answered, "But most have recently returned to our home Planet of Morena leaving only twenty five to help you settle to your new surroundings" As the group walked around hardly a word was said, and the silence continued on the trek back to New Horizons. "How do we explain this John? asked Troy Brask. "I have been asking myself the same question for the past two hours" he answered, "And at this moment I am no further forward"

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