Untitled Part 1

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                                                                                  Can this be real   

"Sometimes John Blackmore I think you are losing it" The words came from Ivana Blackmore, loading the dish washer for the second time that day. " Are you seriously suggesting that we consider taking our two young teenaged children on this crazy space mission, with I quote, no return, to a Planet some squillion miles away on the far side of a Galaxy where probably only God lives with a handful of Angels.? "well no thank you" John Blackmore paused for a moment taking in the comic side of his wife's comments, but also the seriousness of the whole situation. "Come and sit with me Ivana please? he said, "We must speak of the future no matter how ridiculous or far fetched it may seem" Ivana continued to load the dishwasher while periodically giving "What the fuck" glances to her husband. For thirty minutes she cleaned the already spotless kitchen, hoovered the already hoovered floors and straightened the already straight cushions on all three sofas surrounding the TV, eventually and reluctantly placing herself on the sofa opposite her running out of patience Spouse. "Ok, Mr spaceman" she said, "Convince me, even in the slightest that what you are asking is in anyway justified? John Blackmore took a breath. He was constantly shocked by the lack of interest shown by not just his wife but their community at large at the situation their Planet Earth found itself in and the fact that it was man made. "Climate change" he began, "Our Planet is  dying. This is the year 2245 and Climate Change has defeated us. The Polar caps are melting far quicker than originally predicted and all low lying islands and Countries have been submerged wiping five million people from the face of the Earth. We are backing and for ten months of the year can hardly leave our home and you ask me what the problem is. For our children, their children and our great grand children their is no future. Now I have pressed the button marked, Wish to volunteer knowing that the chances of acceptance is possibly 30 million to one, but if I am accepted then we are going. I will not stay and sign the death warrant of my future family, but you are an adult and the choice is yours. As for the details of the flight and exactly where it is going, this will follow only to the 500 who are accepted. So please Ivana open your mind and think hard on this.  
In London England a simmilar conversation was being had by Terence and Lara Cummings. The mid twenty-year olds had been married for just six months. Terence was prodigy of the system of Mensa, whereas young child geniuses were gathered together to enable their abilities to flourish and in recent times most of this was centred around Climate Change. Terence Cummings forty however, was in technology, and he had secured a position as Head of Invention for a Company named Porteous who were now the largest Telecommunications provider on the Planet. His new wife Lara had gained a Law Degree at St Andrews University in Scotland fifty miles from her home town of Edinburgh and was now firmly established in a Law firm in the Capital. Their life was almost perfect, only the patter of tiny feet around their Hampstead home would remove the word "almost" from the sentence. But there was a problem, they were both focused, as John Blackmore, three thousand miles away on the future of their children. They both agreed that Nasa who were launching the huge vessel were giving very little information, but in both of their minds it was something worth pursuing.
All around the world people of simmilar thoughts were wrestling with the idea of such an awesome undertaking armed only with the words on the registration form saying, All applicants must be under the age of thirty five single or married, male or female. Children are required to be at least ten years of age, (reasons to be revealed at a later date). All applicants must be in good health, medical histories will be scrupulously checked. People of all denominations may apply, but will be checked for radicalism. All skills are required as this is a new beginning. The launch is expected in approximately two years time. Preparations will be explained on acceptance to the mission. Be advised before applying, "There will be no return to this earth. repeat, There will be no return" These words caused more cancelations to the application paper than any other. Two months was the time given for the green or red light and the wait was now on. For the past one hundred and fifty years the world had watched, firstly with shock, then with hope and for the past fifty years with horror as the landscape of their beloved Planet began to change at a pace that everyone realised was unsustainable. The rhetoric changing from save to evacuate, and from all men are equal, to who will be left behind. Of course there were millions on the Planet who had no idea what was happening, mainly in Africa and South America where indigenous Tribes with very little contact with the outside world regarded changes in the weather as a good sign or a punishment from one of their Gods. But John and Ivana Blackmore along with their two children Roman aged thirteen and Ayla aged eleven had lived with the knowledge of the pending space journey for the past five years from their home in Orlando Florida less than one hundred miles from Cape Canaveral where the vessel was being assembled. As the time for the five to be chosen drew closer Ivana rejected any conversation on the subject being confident if the figures released, that just over sixteen million people had volunteered to undertake the hazardous trip, and the odds were in line with winning the National Lottery. Roman however was well up to speed on all things regarding Space Travel. "Have you seen the hanger where the Space Ship is being built? he asked his father. "It is the size of four football pitches, it must be colossal. I Googled the distance to another Galaxy and it would take around thirty five to forty years to complete, I would be fifty three years old and would have been living like inside a Prison" "Thats enough Roman" shouted Ivana, "I told you no conversations on the subject until the five hundred are known. You are only scaring your sister.

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